
Daycare or not?!?!?

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I hear so many stories about parents leaving their children in daycare center or at a babysitters like: their children catching chicken pots, lice and other childerns colds. I am really terrified to put my 10 month old son in a day care or leaving him with a babysitter who care for other children, because I think someone will happen to him. I work in the mornings and my boyfriend works at night, so my boyfriend and I worked out our work schedule so we can avoid taking him to day care. Am I too over protective or am I doing the right thing?




  1. Yes, it's true.  He will pick up all sorts of germs at the daycare.  And it's true, he will pick those same germs up at school.  Here's the difference, his immune system will be stronger when he's attending school than at 10 months old.  

    Now, parents are a little over the top when it comes to sanitizing EVERYTHING.  Your body builds up it's immune system by being exposed to germs, that's why there's more allergy cases and weaker immune systems these days.  

    You're not being over protective by deciding to keep your 10 month old son at home.  Give him time to build his immune system, time to bond with you, time to feel the love and to learn to love.  There will be PLENTY of time to learn the skills of socializing when he starts school.

    Hope this helps.

  2. I did at home daycare for 5 months...we were sick half of that 5 months!

    You couldn't pay me to put my kids in daycare!

  3. I think you should let him go, not every day... mabie twice a week? If he isn't socalized enough it could spell trouble in yeras to come. I think it is really cool the effert you & your boy friend are putting into your son, with work & everything you two deserve a pat on the back. Yay you!!!

  4. Your doing the right thing. For one it's hard to trust other people with your children especially when they are to young to talk. It's amazing the horror stories you hear. Just yesterday I heard on tv about a lady babysitting a little baby and her teenage son put him on some inflatable thing and then jumped on it tossing the poor baby in the air and then to the floor. That could have done serious damage to a baby since there head is so tender. As far as getting sick if you put them in a daycare they get sick all the time. There immune system can't take as much. My boss has her daughter in daycare and she is constantly sick because they catch everthing from eachother. The way your doing it you won't have to miss as much work worry about where the baby is and your baby will be much healthier. I personally believe in alot of ways the world was better off when woman could stay home with there kids because they could pay more attention. On the bad side they were totally dependent on there husband and in some situations that was bad.

  5. you could just hire a one-on-one babysitter, or find a home run small daycare around you i think that would be safer but it isnt wrong to put your child in a bigger daycare, the people are generally responsible and if you feel they arent then take him out

  6. Trust me if you research the daycare and believe it's a good one, your child will be fine.

  7. I think you're smart for working out a schedule with your boyfriend to watch your son.  When he begins to speak and is able to express his wishes and concerns to you it will be a good time to get him socialized and into a daycare.

  8. If you don't want to, don't. But he can catch those same disease when he goes to school or over 2 a friends house.

  9. You can't protect your children from every germ, in fact it's unhealthy to. Exposing them to things and letting them get sick results in an adult with a healthy immune system and fewer allergies. Parents these days are overprotective. When your child goes to school they are going to get sick. They'll get sick less if you let them go to daycare and be exposed to the germs now. Let them build up their immune systems.

  10. Daycare is a necessity sometimes. I didn't have any choice when we started. My daughters were 1 and 4 and were living with me. My wife was living in another city to attend school, and I had to work.

    Those things you mention there about chicken pox, lice and childhood disease, that can also happen when the child goes to school for the first time... probably will actually. Might be better to get it out of the way.

    Daycares are good for children in some ways. It gets them used to meeting new children and helps them to socialize.

    It's expensive though. I wish the Québec system was available here.

  11. Your doing the right thing but do you get time with your boyfriend?? maybe you should start working a job at home...

  12. You are giving your son a wonderful gift by staying home with him!  He gets to bond with you and while you are at work your bf gets time to bond!!  You are doing the right thing!

  13. follow your heart, in my opinion i was very nervous when my kids were first born but now i realized that they will be ok, its easy to always worry but its just your mind playin tricks on u give it time and u will prolly get more confident in letting others watch ur baby plus it will be good for the kid to have a lot of other friends his or her own age.

  14. I didn't send my daughter to daycare until she turned 2.  Then I found an at home daycare and she only had 4 other children.  My daughter loves it there she is now 5 and my 2 1/2 year old goes to.  It's more like going to Grandma's.  If it works not sending him.  don't worry about it save your money.  If you want him to have the interaction you can always in roll in a mommy and me class.  There is always the chance of catching more colds with him being in contact with more children.  If you not ready to send him don't

  15. its always nice to have them at home at such a young age but maybe in 2 or 3 years let him go
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