
Daylight Savings Time? What does it mean?

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What does it mean? Do I loose an hour of sleep or gain an hour of sleep? Will I be waking up to sunlight if I wake up @ 6:30?




  1. who knows

    no, cause the morning changes too, you will sleep the same amount

  2. in spring you lose an hour (3am becomes 4am), but in autumn you'll have an extra-hour of sleep (3 am becomes 2 am)

  3. Hi Mandy!

    It means that you turn your clock ahead by one hour.  On Sunday morning (the 9th in North America, but March 30th in Europe) everyone will start doing things one hour earlier than they did before.  

    The effect is that an hour of light gets shifted from the early morning, when most people are sleeping, to the evening when it will do people some good.  You'll find that sunrise temporarily moves back to 7:30 a.m., but the sun goes down now about 7 p.m. You'll have light in the evening for walking, outdoor sports and simply not having to turn on artificial lighting.

    I could list a great many benefits of daylight saving time, but let me just mention one, which I think gets little play.  Here in New Jersey, the spring roads are dotted with potholes.  Hit one the wrong way, and you could blow a tire, damage a wheel rim, or worse.  In twilight, they're very hard to spot, especially with oncoming headlights.

    The extra hour of daylight makes it possible to spot the potholes.  I can dodge them, saving myself expense and just possibly someone's life!.

  4. daylight savings usually to make the days equal out one another.. the easist way to remember is is spring forward..making the day short..u loose and hour.. and jump back to relax during the summer.

  5. umm you move 4ward an hour......... thats all i got.

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