
Days/Week long migraines?

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My Mother gets some very severe migraines with the full spectrum of symptoms. The Aura, weakness, tiredness, blurred vision, becoming disphasic, aching neck, increased sensitivity to stimulus, nausea and of course the everpresent severe pain. This has occurred all her life and of course she's tried many medical options so far including cafergot, imigran, ibuprofen, Co-codamol and a few others that I can't recall right now.

I don't hold out much hope that anyone here should happen to hold the secret to why these occur or more importantly how do stop them. What would be helpful though (short of a magical cure if anyone has any handy) would be any symptom alleviating methods that anyone knows of to at least treat the migraines whilst they hit. At the moment all that seems to help is drinking lots of tea and applying hot water bottles or heated rice-bags to different areas of the head depending upon where the migraine has struck. She's suffering fairly badly by the sounds of things as I type this anyone know how to help?




  1. My daughter is 14 and she gets attacks of migrane like 7 days a month and it is severe she will sleep and cant see the light and it is too much.

    nothing to be done just take migrane medication and wait for it to calm.... but ur mom should follow does and dont

    she should avoid things which makes migraine more  

    Read below

    Lack of or too much sleep

    skipped meals

    bright lights, loud noises, or strong odors

    hormone changes during the menstrual cycle

    stress and anxiety, or relaxation after stress

    weather changes

    alcohol (often red wine)

    caffeine (too much or withdrawal)

    foods that contain nitrates, such as hot dogs and lunch meats

    foods that contain MSG (monosodium glutamate), a flavor enhancer found in fast foods, broths, seasonings, and spices

    foods that contain tyramine, such as aged cheeses, soy products, fava beans, hard sausages, smoked fish, and Chianti wine

    take care

  2. Go to the doctor, they can prescribe prescription migraine medicine.  My brother is on a drug called Zomig, you could ask about that.  It doesn't make him drowsy like a lot of other drugs can do.

  3. Feverfew works for me - its a plant extract that you can take in tablet form or as a tea. It takes time to kick in about 5-6 days and I need to take it everyday ( if I dont an attack usually occurs within the next few days) also I know you said co-codamol does not work but I take 30/500's (the 30 refers to the phosphate ( i think), and the 500 paracetamol, over the counter are 8/500.) and they really help with the tension that for me is an indicator  

  4. Biofeedback provided relief to a very good friend who had suffered so badly she actually contemplated suicide.  

    There are many excellent programs available and I understand health insurance will now cover some portion of the cost of learning if the program is run by a suitably certified provider.

    I suggest you start by asking her doctor for a referral to a program.  If that isn't a good option you might contact this group for advice on locating a legitimate practitioner in your area.

    My sympathies to your whole family, I know how migraines affect the whole family.  

  5. I had severe migraines for 12 years. Went to every doctor I could. Tried every medicine. Finally I went to a good chiropractor and it took about 6 months but no more headaches. Tell her to give it a try. I was on the verge of suicide from the pain. Please tell her to at least give it a try.

  6. I get migraines which last a whole day. The medicine i take is a prescription medicine called Paramax. Paramax does not completely get rid of the migraine but it does reduce it alot. Other things i do are try to sleep while the aura is still there (that's quite hard though because you can't stop thinking about the pain that will come next :S) and i go to a completely dark and silent place.

    Hope this helps a bit

  7. Go to a good 'natural food store' or 'herbal teas/medicines' and ask for Valerian root tea.  BEWARE: it smells like dirty socks and the store may 'complain' because to sell it to you will cause their store to stink.  DON'T LISTEN.  Take the root home, and place 1/4 cup of dried root into one quart of water.  Start it boiling then turn down to simmer and let it 'cook' until you have one cup of water left.  Sweeten with 1/4 cup of honey. This is called a 'decoction' and is very strong.  Give your mom one tablespoon and have her lie down in a cool, dark room with NO noise to rest.  Give her another tablespoon an hour for four hours IF she's awake.  If she's asleep, let her sleep.  I had to go to the hospital for shots of Demerol and Vistaril every two weeks or so when I had my migraines ... and they got worse as I got older until I was three years into 'perimenopause' ... then they STOPPED completely, although I still get the 'triangle aura' once in awhile and must rest in a dark room.  Your mom should do well on Valerian root ... and don't listen to anyone who says that Feverfew 'works better' ... feverfew is a good herb that takes fever down and also relieves minor pain, but Valerian root is the ONLY 'natural relief' I ever found for my migraines ... and I have had some so bad that all I had to do was walk up to the counter at any hospital and the way I was leaning on the counter and the look on my face told them I was in extreme pain.  

    There are some new 'cutting edge' drugs for migraine out now, though, but your mother must go to a doctor who knows all of them and knows her well enough to be able to tell if they are 'safe' for her ... I can't take them because I have 'heart problems' but if your mom doesn't, perhaps she can.  Good luck to both of you ... I hope the Valerian root helps ... it certainly helped me!  

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