
Days of Our Lives fans.. Do you think Sammy is going to end up alone?

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Do you think Sammy will end up alone?

And who do you think she looks better with Lucas or EJ?




  1. I think Sami NEEDS to be alone for awhile. She needs to concentrate on herself and her kids and make their lives safe.  It's not healthy to be trapped in all of these love situations! lol.

    i like lucas with chloe; i like ej with nicole. i would love it if sami would just take a breather and stop fussing over all of these boys.

  2. Love usually wins out.  I do hope that Sami and Lucas end up together with both twins.

  3. I hope not.  Sami and Ej are such a cute couple. I hope it turns out that both of the babies are Ej's. It would make them both so happy.

  4. No--love doesn't always win out.  Sami has messed with those two for a long time, it is very possible she will end up alone.  I personally think it will be good for her to be alone for awhile.  She has been with a guy since she was a teenager and needs to figure out who she is.  

  5. yup i think she will,

    ej all the way ,

  6. I think Sami will end up alone until they bring someone else on the show that she will show an interest in.  Sami is someone that I love to hate and hate to love.  You never know what she will get into next.  I am mixed about who she looks better with cause I kind of like the triangle thing.

  7. I honestly don't think she'll end up alone.  She's most likely going to be with EJ 'cos I think she and EJ are falling in love but she won't admit it or at least it's taking her a long time to admit her true feelings.  And I like her better with EJ that with Lucas.

  8. I'm with everyone who says that Sami NEEDS and/or DESERVES to be alone...her character is getting a bit sickening on the show and she needs to just make up her mind already and stop jerking Lucas and E.J. around!  I love Ali Sweeny as an actress but gosh, give this story some resolution, please.

    If I had it my way, EJ would end up with Nicole, Brady would return to Salem (clean and sober) to reconcile with Chloe, and Lucas would move away to be closer to Will.

  9. No I don't think she is going to end up alone. She might be alone for a little bit, but then I think she'll realize she is better off with EJ. Who I think is better for her anyway.  He seems like he cares about her more and would do anything for her.  She has a ties with him anyway by having his son. She knows deep down in her heart she wants him, but is fighting it really hard. That's why I say she'll come to realize she is better off with him/ listen to her heart.  

  10. unfortunately it looks like that could happen.

    I've enjoyed her w/ borh Lucas & EJ, but it looks as if Lucas will end up w/ Chloe and Nicole's going to try to keep EJ for herself

  11. I think eventually Luc-assss will realize Chloe is an ugly s***k & realize he still loves Sami. It will ALSO come out that baby Johnny is HIS not Elvis'. (GEESH are there any honest Dr's at University hosptial lol) Then Sami will have had enough of Elvis stringing her along & playing her aginst Nicole. She will tell Elvis to suck a lemon & Lucas & Sami after sometime will reunite & she WILL be Sammantha Brady HORTON!!!

    Her name is spelled "SAMI" by the way!!!!

    Who ever is giving me thumbs down can GTH!!!!

  12. I do.  For the longest time I wanted her to end up with EJ.  But I really think that in the long run EJ will be with Nicole and Lucus will be with Chloe and Sami will be alone...She probably deserves it after stringing both men along like she has.

  13. yes.

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