
Days of our Lives question?

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Don't you think that it is messed up that Chelsea can't have a guy for herself.

First, her mom sleeps with Nick

Then, her grandma sleeps with the oh-so-hot Daniel ( that is so wrong , she is old enough to be his mom )

I think it is sooooo messed up. I just wish her family would stop sleeping with her men. : ) : )




  1. Id like to see chelsea happy for once. It seems like when things start going her way, someone sleeps with

  2. The real question is "Whats wrong with the writers?"

    The writers must think we're a bunch of idiots with no long term memory.

    We already saw Chelsea deal with this kind of betrayal before.  It was fun the 1st time but its been pretty boring & stupid the second time around!  Though this should make for some good make up s*x scenes.  

    Atlleast they didn't drag it out.  Remember how long it took for Shawn to find out Claire was his daughter?

    & this is DOOL.  They recycle storylines all the time.

    As soon as Philip the Rich & powerful & mentally warped ex stopped stalking Belle & Shawn, Ava the Rich & powerful & mentally warped ex started stalking Steve & Kayla.  Deja vu Anyone?

    Chelsea is the spawn of MILF's & cougars.  She's just gonna have to deal with it!  When she finds Beau & her boyfriend making out then she can start worrying!

  3. Chelsea may have to move out of the country to find someone that neither her mother nor her grandmother has been with. :O

  4. OMG... I forgot about Billie sleeping with Nick.  That is bad.

    Yeah, the Grandma sleeping with the boyfriend is just beyond gross.  I mean that's just  stupid... when could that possibly really happen?  I like the way they try to play around with ages... like all of the sudden Chelsea's almost done with getting her degree after graduating high school like last fall. But seriously how old are these people supposed to be?!

    I've always thought Daniel was too old for Chelsea but I think Nick deserves better than Chelsea.  I think she deserves a good guy but not Nick.

    I also think it's beyond weird that Max is dating Stephanie when he's her uncle.... even if it's not through blood it's just wrong.

  5. Well, is messed up.  But I always thought (and still do) Chelsea belonged with Nick; they are a nice fit for each other.

    Dr. Jonas is a great match for Kate, I think.  It could be neat to bring back Billie and have her make a play for Daniel! ;)

  6. I have to agree with you. It isn't fair for Chelsea to always have her female relatives sleeping with her boyfriends.  It doesn't even matter if they weren't together when Kate slept with Daniel, she knew how Chelsea felt about him and if she loved or had any kind of respect for Chelsea she would have stayed away from him.

    Chelsea has been through enough and she has grown up and matured enough that it is time for them to allow her character to be happy.  And no I do not want her back with Nick, he is not manly enough for her....

  7. i know!!!! i wish chelsea could have a guy for herself! she is one of my favorites.

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