
Days when you feel like a "bad mom"?

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as i was grocery shopping at target today with all my 4 girls(something i dont do often) i "lost" one of my triplets. she is 4. God knows how long mila was gone, but i didnt notice until we checke out! and of course, none of my other daughters seemed to know where she was. so i started frantically running through the store looking at all the places she could be. i bet i looked pretty foolish, a hugely pregnant woman running in target with three other children running behind her. i was so thrilled when i heard lilley's little voice "here she is momma!" she was sitting looking at a hannah montana book. i felt horrible! and then, when i got home and was telling my husband of our adventure, i just started crying and couldnt stop. i couldnt even keep track of my 4 year old, how was i suppose to care for a newborn?!(those pregnancy harmones).

so, what are times where YOU felt like a bad mom. come on, we all have those days ;) try and cheer me up :)




  1. Just the other day; i was carrying my twins in a double chest holder. One twin on the front, one on the back.

    My 5yr old daughter, Milana just disappeared in the shopping centre.

    As im running to find her, i accidentally headbut Blake who is strapped to my chest, he starts screaming.

    Everyone was staring. As im running frantically, a crying baby on my front, i acidentally hit my back on a shopping isle of wine.

    Kira hit the wine, began crying, bottles smashed to the ground.

    Im now got two babies crying, a missing 5yr old, wine all over the floor.

    Milana comes out from nowhere and just says calmly.

    "Mommy, the babies are crying."

    God;  i could have died.

  2. We've all had those moments.  We still give my mom a hard time for taking the entire softball team home, except for me and my sister, who were left in the rain at the ballfield.  Luckily, my great-grandma lived next to the park.

    Another time, I thought my dad picked my son up from school, but I had the days mixed up.  It was only Thursday, and I had gone horseback riding.  Luckily, I went towards town, and my then 7 year old was trying to walk home, and we picked him up on horseback.

    There are also times when we just get tired, and lose it, and then there are days like today, that my 19 year old came by my house (he's moved in with my mom after my dad died last year), and he spent the entire afternoon looking at the scrapbook I was working on, and holding his little brother (9 1/2 months).  He told his little brother that he was the lucky one, because he'd already trained me.  We went through looking at pictures, and saying what we wanted to do again.  Today, we just planned a trip to the coast in a few months.

  3. "couldnt even keep track of my 4 year old"...that's about the hardest thing in the world! And you've got 3 of them! I avoid going anywhere with my 3 year old because he is too fast and if we do go anywhere I leave him in his pram. Newborns are easy compared to some 3/4 year olds.

    My worst ever bad mum day was when I was so sick I kept passing out but my partner left me at home for 16 hours with a 3 year old and a baby to hang out at his other daughter's school, drive other people's kids around and go to a school meeting. Apparently when he got home at 12:30 am the 3 year old had the toilet brush and was splashing it around in the toilet and the baby was in the cot crying but I wasn't aware of any of this because I was barely conscious. My partner has bought this up a number of times since and has said that I can't look after my kids properly which makes me feel like a terrible mum.

  4. Oh my goodness!!! I thought I was the only mom who loses her kids sometimes!

    My 2 year old daughter, Cameron, has just learned that she can open the door to go outside all by herself!! Isn't that great? That's a totally retorical question because since she learned this new trick she has escaped how many times? I don't even know. The first time was earlier in the winter. We were all (myself, my husband and 2 older daughters) home one evening doing whatever and my neighbor calls. I answer my phone and she asks "Where is Cameron?" I answer, "Playing in her room." She then proceeds to drop hints, which I never caught onto, that not only was she not in her room, but she had let herself out, wandered to the neighbors, opened their front door and walked right in like she lived there. Can you imagine? All the while I have no idea she has even gone outside! She finally just had to come out and tell me Hudini was at her house that evening and asked very politely if I would like to come over and walk her back home. Crazy, huh?!

    I know you're probably wondering why I don't just get a childproof handle for my door, I'm way ahead of you. She learned that if she turned the handle just right and put enough pressure on the rubber button and kind of hang the door at the same time it will open.

    The neighbors all know about Cameron's attempts to escape, they watch out for her and yes, every once in a while someone brings her to me and it is as embarrassing everytime as it was the first time.

  5. Oh man do i ever........just happened on Thursday....really bad mother day......

    I was sitting on the couch with my 3 youngest who are 6,5 and 3. My oldest was at work. So sitting there watching TV, clock says 7:10 pm, we had all be up since about 6:30 and they had 5 more minutes of TV while there show wrapped up. My eyes were sooooo heavy, so I looked around, they were all engrossed in the Berenstain Bears so I thought ok, close your eyes for 5 mins, to help build up the energy up to put them to bed :) So closed the eyes, woke up with a start at 7:19, house was DEADLY silent. Very unusual around here. So I got up and started to worry that they got outside, but thought no you locked up, then heard giggles coming from my oldest daughters room, opened up the door and to my surprise......My 6 year old had given his 5 yr old brother and 3 year old sister.............HAIRCUTS!!!!!!!!  Yeah I know every kid does it.....blah blah blah. They had cut off my daughters beautiful long hair, she now resembles a boy somewhat as I had to take them to get haircuts fixed, so it is very short. She likes it though as she says "I look like the boys now"

    So I know long story but man I felt like a HORRIBLE mother for the rest of that day and most of the next, still actually have pangs when I look at my daughter!

    Hope this cheered you up!!!!!

  6. I was pregnant with my youngest and my 2 older children (2 and 5 at the time) were having a fit about wanting to go to grandma's. I left them watching TV to use the bathroom and when i came out they were gone. I was frantic and ran out of the house searching. About 10 minutes later i got my car and widened my search area looking for them. I called the police and my parents. About 45 minutes later my kids were found by my parents. They were walking along the highway (in the ditch so they wouldnt be hurt according to my oldest) towards grandma's house. Its a 19 mile drive to Grandma and Grandpa's summer home and they were attempting to get there. i know it was my fault. And i spent days blaming myself and wandering if i shouldnt have turned custody over to my parents because i hadnt taught them a lesson they needed to know.

    Ok now that the horrible is out of the way lets add some funny ones that i overreacted to.

    My youngest shaved the cat while i was napping when she was 2.

    My oldest painted the dog purple with finger paint at age 5.

    They hid their hamster in my sons pocket and brought it to church.

    They walked to the store across the street and were watching movies while i frantically searched for them.

    All of these are bad Mom things. You grow with each bad moment.

  7. Oh, boy, memories!

    I lost track of my five year old son in a discount store while shopping with him and his two older siblings.  Very similar situation; I was nearly hysterical when he was finally located, hand in a hand with a very proper older woman who looked at me, I thought, like I should be in jail.  I sobbed all the way home!

    My son (now 16) still laughs when he remembers how calm he was and how crazy I was!

    Lots more stories where this came from, let me tell you!

  8. One day I went out to run an errand and when I got home I realized that I had buckled the baby in, but the car seat was not attached to the car! That day was the first of my many breakdowns.We had two cars and one car seat at the time, so it was bound to happen. Now I know better...don't take the car seat out, have one for each car.

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