
Dayton/Cincinnati poodle/yorkie stud service?

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I live in the Dayton/Cincinnati area and I have a little girl yorkie puppy, I need to find a mini poodle/or a yorkie stud. She is very small(around 4 lbs.) and I am looking for a stud who is smaller than she is. If you know anything that will help please answer!




  1. I wouldn't find a stud for her, unless your really really really set on breeding especially because its her first litter and what if something happens during the pregnancy or she rejects her pups? I would just suggest not to do it because there are millions of pets who are put to sleep every year just because they don't have homes :'( But if you really want to breed her do all of your research first to find every possible thing that could possibly go wrong so your prepared also look into vet bills so you can see how much its going to cost to bring her in while shes pregnant and when all of the puppy's are born which all must be done  

  2. Go and get your dog spayed.

    If you think us telling you getting your puppy knocked up is a terrible idea, it doesn't sound like you yourself are too far off from the high school state of mind.

  3. Has your dog been genetic tested for breed specific and general health problems? Has she been cleared by the vet? What are her Ch titles? Does she have a good pedigree?

    Honestly, if you can't answer any of these questions or if you don't know what i'm talking about then don't breed. There is a lot more to it than finding a stud dog and putting them together to get puppies. It's a lot more work and a lot more money than you think!

    Here's a taste of what you need to know:

    What does dog conformation refer to?

    What important points should be considered on a dog's pedigree?

    When will a ***** first come into season?

    How old should a ***** be before breeding commences?

    On what days is a ***** fertile?

    On what attributes is a stud dog selected?

    What health testing should both the dam and dog have prior to breeding?

    What are the important contract items to have in a breeding contract?

    What diseases can a dog get while being bred?

    How many times should a ***** be bred?

    What special diet should the ***** be fed while in season, and while pregnant?

    What are the signs that a ***** is going into labour?

    What are the signs that the whelping is going well?

    What are the signs that there are problems developing?

    What is primary inertia and the implications?

    What is secondary inertia and the implications?

    What is oxytocin?

    When should the vet be called for help?

    Should calcium be administered during whelping?

    What does green fluid indicate?

    How long should it take for a ***** to whelp?

    How do you resuscitate a dead puppy?

    How do you clear fluid from a puppy's lungs?

    And that's not even HALF of the list! You still need to know about how to care for mom, how to care for rejected pups, how to find good homes for pups, and more. It takes a LONG time to learn all of this - responsible breeders will learn al of this over the course of several years under the guide of a mentor.

    The full list can be found here:

    Your dog isn't even breed standard as of yet - 7 lbs is breed standard, give or take a pound. And you want to breed to a totally different breed? Bad idea - you don't need to add to the population of poorly bred mutts. You will NOT find a suitable stud dog because owners of suitable stud dogs will not cross breed. Ever.

    If you want to be a responsible owner, get her spayed NOW. If you want to be a responsible breeder, spay her NOW and find a mentor to learn under. Your mentor will help you find a suitable b*tch to breed in a few years once you've learned the ropes.

  4. okay.

    first, you CANNOT BREED THEM.

    she will most likely have 1 or 2 pups that are so sickly and tiny that they will die.

    and the world has enough mutts, dont contribute to the ASPCA's collection, they had enough with people like you.

    people like you don't give a c**p about your pets, just want to make more because "their so cute" but dead puppies is FAR from cute.

    love your pet and your yorkie cannot breed when it is a baby.

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