
Dd form 293- application to upgrade military discharge- what are some good reasons why they should do???

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I received a other than honorable discharge from the army in march 2008, and i was told you can upgrade your discharge to general after at least 6 months after you leave. Right now i am filling out the application to do so, and on the application they ask what your reasons are for them to upgrade your discharge.

I would like to know some good reasons to say, is there anybody out there who has gone through the same situation as me or would know any good reasons for this application to do so??? Thank you very much for your time and consideration in this matter!!




  1. You are filling out the form and only you know the circumstances that caused this type discharge. You need to make them believe that it was a mistake on their part for issuing this type. Good luck with this, but doubtful you will succeed.

  2. Why shucks there are no good reasons that I can think of.  It has been my experience that it isn't all that difficult to do your time and get an honorable at the end of it.  The VA doesn't upgrade too many discharges so I'm gonna let you use your imagination to try to come up with a reason they haven't heard before.  Good luck to you.

    First Sergeant, US Army retired with an Honorable Discharge

  3. In 40 years as a Veterans Service Officer I have never seen or heard of a Discharge being Up Graded...

  4. You were misinformed, you won't get an upgrade after 6-months.  If you felt that you were mis-tried or that your Administrative Separation was unjustified, then you have a great chance.  Otherwise, its best you seek legal council and/or lawyer.

    You would be submitting the form to the Army Discharge Review Board, and they are very strict!  If you have kept your nose clean for a while, and showed that you had made an effort in behaving in the civilian world, you may, "may" have a chance but unlikely!

  5. what did you do to be discharged?  Are you sorry for whatever you did?   Have you learned a lesson?  Think about those two questions and that might help.

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