
De Clerambualt Syndrom. Sufferers or Doctors only please

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Does any one have De Clerambualt Syndrom, I need info on this...only sufferers or qualified doctors please.




  1. perhpas its a disease you get when all you do all day is cruise YA and insult pregnant women, or women with children. if so, you definitely have it.  

  2. its not a comman illness but it manifests itself as a compulsiveness bisorder

  3. Clérambault's syndrome is also called erotomania and is a rare disorder in which a person holds a delusional belief that another person, usually of a higher social status, is in love with him or her.

    Clérambault's syndrome is named after the French psychiatrist Gaëtan Gatian de Clérambault (1872–1934), who published a scientific paper about it in 1921.

    The term erotomania is also sometimes used in a less specific clinical sense meaning excessive pursuit of or preoccupation with love or s*x.

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