I am looking for my biological father, Octavio de la Espriella, from Panama. He has a son also named Octavio and a daughter named Berta Alicia. Octavio (my father) is approximatey 88-90 years old and is the cousin of Ricardo De la Espriella Toral, ex-president of Panama. It's possible that he is no longer alive. I came across a video of an Octavio De la Espriella on MySpace or YouTube (can't remember which one), but am not sure it is him. His family is originally from Columbia. I met an attorney named Luis Caballero in Panama about 6 years ago. His wife's name was Betty (Bettie?). She was the niece of Octavio (my dad). Her mother is Berta Alicia De la Espriella. My mother's name is also Berta Alicia--not just a coincidence. It's a long story, but Betty was going to organize a reunion with my father when I was in Panama and someone (I think my cousin) closed the door on it. Please help if you can. I am our family's historian and would like to get ancestry information.