
Dead Sasquatch Found?

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Heard on the news today a couple guys found a dead Sasquatch? Said there were live ones there but were chased off or something when the guys came around? Also said they have the dead one now and are doing DNA tests on it? Anyone have a place where I can get more information on this? Or know how true it is?




  1. This is a hoax, guy involved last year said he had captured a real live one, but proved to be a hoax then, now he has made movie and just trying to get free press for it, looks like a monkey suit stuff with rotten meat, Don't believe it, guy is just a con artist trying to sell a movie.

  2. wow im not sure but if that is true.. i wanna hear more!! next on the news nessie takes over ny

  3. It's just another hoax. For some reason they lost the body.  

  4. Here is the costume.

  5. This is the story, but I'll have to see the evidence to believe it.  Sounds like the beginning of another hoax.

    Bigfoot may have been found. Maybe. We'll see.

    Two Northern California men and two Georgians say they've got a body, a photo and DNA evidence pertaining to the elusive forest-dwelling man-ape — and that they'll reveal all at a press conference in Palo Alto, Calif., on Friday.

    "I think you'll find that this is the real deal," Robert Barrows of Redwood City, Calif., told the Bay City News local wire service.

    Matthew Whitton, a cop in Clayton County, Ga., and his friend Rick Dyer, a former corrections officer, say they recently found the body in the woods of northern Georgia.

    Veteran Bigfoot tracker Tom Biscardi said he's examined the body, and that scientists will get their chance soon.

    Heres a site with 2 supposed pics:  

  6. The site listed below may give you a start.  Personally I will wait on more solid evidence.  

    In a perverse sort of way, I would love to see some of the "Absolutely No Way" scientists sitting down to a nice lunch of crow.  I have spent many days in the outdoors from Alaska to Virginia to California and hundreds of places between.  While I have not encountered one, IMO the sheer size of uninhabited areas in this country lead me to believe an uncatalogued species is entirely possible.

    I plan to keep an eye on this story.  Thanks for bringing it to my attention...
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