
Dead Space 2 – 2011: A year to remember – Part 1

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EA and Visceral games released the sequel to what had garnered a reputation for being one of the goriest, most atmospheric and immersive games of yesteryear.
In this five part series, we here at plan on taking the reader back to 2011 and relive just how great and rich a year it was for console gaming. Starting things off with the game that put the survival –horror back in the survival-horror
genre, Dead Space 2.
The game was the eagerly anticipated sequel to what had to be one of the best new original titles to hit the gaming scene when it had grown men soiling their pants in late 2008. However, unlike the first game the second game had to live up to the hype that
surrounds any sequel of a successful first game.
In fact, the original Dead Space has raised the bar rather high with its haunting environments, amazing sound and level design and the constant air of suspense that gripped the player throughout the campaign. All of that meant that Dead Space 2 had a lot
to live up to if it wanted to exceed or even match the heights of its predecessor.
Yet, when the first trailer for the new game aired, all those worries that the sequel would let everyone down were a distant memory. The classic nursery rhyme ‘twinkle twinkle little star’ sucked everyone in as they saw the Sprawl, the setting for the new
game, for the first time.
Every single trailer after that only showed off one thing and that was how great the sequel was shaping up to be; from brilliant set pieces to random hallucinations that the game’s protagonist, Isaac Clarke would suffer from throughout the course of the
story, Dead Space 2 was looking like a must buy from day one.
However, as many of the readers know, a game’s trailer and the actual game are two different cases and there was an uneasy feeling of nervousness with fans of the series hoping that they would not be disappointed.
Two minutes into the game and all those fears were put to rest as players were left running for their lives whilst in a straightjacket and surrounded by necromorphs. The sequence echoed the first one in Dead Space where Isaac had to run for his life after
his crew and he were first attacked by the the dark...when he had no weapon or means to defend himself.
If any gamer played that sequence without knowing what he was getting himself into, it would have surely got his heart-rate racing and that is what the Dead Space games are all about and Dead Space 2 pulled it off as brilliantly as the first game.
The rest of the game followed had plenty of moments that evoked a feeling of dread every time one had to walk through an empty corridor or open a door. It was a truly immersive experience till the end of the game.
Anyone who has played the game will remember it for one reason though and that was the needle sequence near the end of the game. Those who know what we are referring too will understand and those who do not, well, they will just have to play the game to
find out as Dead Space 2 was not just a gem of a game in 2011, but also in holds its own as a part of gaming culture. 
Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the editorial policy of



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