
Dead Space 3 and Army of Two: 3 listed on Designer’s CV

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Jeremie Benhamou is the latest member of the video game community whose CV has announced a game before the game’s developer or publisher.
While Dead Space 3 and another instalment in the Army of Two series’ existence are no secret in the gaming community the publishers seem intent on not making any comments. It seems they are of the belief that if they do not say anything people will forget
everything they’ve heard and that the official announcement will come as a surprise.
Either that or they enjoy the free hype that their titles are receiving and are waiting till they have something substantial to share with the public.
Dead Space 3 was originally ‘leaked’ by a television channel which went on a tour of Visceral studios and shot footage of a Dead Space 3 banner. The Eagle Eyed members of the gaming community do not miss such things and the internet was abuzz with talk of
Isaac Clarke’s latest twisted adventure.
Rumours also emerged as to the storyline, plot and premise of the game which will see the game’s protagonist haunted by a ‘Shadow Isaac’ on an icy planet where his ship has crash landed.
As for Army of Two: 3, which, hopefully, is a working title and not the final name of the game, reports of EA working on the game surfaced last year although at that point in time the rumours termed it as Army of Four.
As for the latest confirmation on both titles, it seems that EA is a fan of designer, Jeremie Benhamou who claims to have worked on the User Interface of both games mentioned in this article.
A third game was also vaguely mentioned by the designer and is said to be a new IP from Visceral games.
His CV states that he “offered graphic design and UI (User Interface) art direction for the unannounced game, UI art direction and pre-production concepts for Dead Space 3, and UI concepts for Army of Two 3.”
It is only a matter of time before both games are officially unveiled and both titles as EA looks to get in shape for a big year.



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