
Dead body in front yard and other disaster's???

by  |  earlier

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moved in to a neighborhood out of state. the landlord said it was a safe neighborhood. the house is pretty and nice but the neighborhood is horrible. things like

dead body in front yard

people smoking weed and drinking in their cars

loud at all hours of the night. yelling and screaming.

people hanging out on my porch both front and back

cars getting hit on the street

cars (mine) getting broken into

men peeing in front of my house

I really am scared to continue living in this kind of environment. I really feel if i stay I will be rapped or killed. I am female, disabled (aka amputee) and live alone. I have tried to make friends with everyone in the neighborhood so we can look out for one another but this is getting out of hand. I've called the cops once or twice, but they dont come. I need to move asap. I did sign a lease, but I know there is a way to get out of this. I can't continue to live here safely. I have lived in DC for a long time so i'm not just sheltered or anything. this is really unsafe. what do i do???




  1. you need to get out as soon as you can find you somewhere else to go. thank safe frist. then act.

  2. easily call the police . nothing to worry about . its not your fault .dont be afraid.

  3. Huh?

  4. Check your lease, there should be a clause in there to allow you to break it.  Likely with thirty day notice.  That will get your security deposit back.  Maybe.  The other option is to leave with no notice and deal with your unscrupulous landlord in court.  When he files against you, show up BUT before you leave get video of what goes on, document the times you have called the cops, get witness statements from friends to support what you are saying then, sue him for misrepresentation and try to collect your back rent.

    Good luck.  Final note: I would never let money or the loss of it stand in the way of my family's safety...or mine.

  5. Is there no family or friends that can put you up for a while?  Do you have a Carer or someone in authority who can speak to a Housing Office to inform them of how detrimental to your health this is and whether it's possible to get you moved?  If the police aren't listening try keeping a diary of times, dates and whats happening, enough collective evidence, they will have to act.  As for your Landlord, he is in breech of contract for not having warned you about the area.

  6. TODAY!! move back to where you lived before - in another state!  s***w the lease, let the landlord take his lumps.  He should not have lied to you.  Don't give him another dime in Rent, just tell him that's what his lies cost him and leave.  If you're in the up-state New York area (above Albany), send me an e-mail - I'll move you!

  7. cry me a river

    its your own fault for not looking into it more

    just move!

  8. Your unsafe environment, contrasted to your landlord's representation, probably provides you with a case to break your lease.  Check with the local legal aid society.

  9. You need to get the h**l out of there. Your landlord obviously lied to you. If you have to, take it to court. I'm sure there's SOME way you can move someplace else.

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