
Dead cows in Central NY area?

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So I have seen 5-6 dead cows between several farms in my area this past week. I am concerned so I was wondering what could be causing this. I didn't think that so many cows could die is such a short time of old age, so was wondering about dehydration, disease, fighting, neglect.... Any farmers input would be appreciated. The temps this past week up here have been between 50-70 daytime, 40-55 night. And I know 3 of them were dead because 2 of them were laying in the same spot for 2 days and 1 other was the only cow in the field at the time and was laying straight down. And was also wondering if cows normally lay all the way down, i've only seen them sitting up and looking around or standing. If I should be concerned, what can i do about it? Thanks




  1. Yes, cows do lay down to sleep, just like horse, dogs, pigs do.

    If they looked dead to you, maybe they were. Did you call a local vet to report it?

    If a cow gets hit by lightening, they bloat( body swells up) and legs usually look like stiff sticks, sometimes the animal will be lying on it's back with all 4 legs sticking straight up in the air.

  2. I live in CNY and know a lot of local farmers, haven't heard about cows dying anywhere from disease.  The temps. shouldn't really be a problem, since many cows are out all winter regardless of temps or snow.  If they were beef cows and were dead it's possible the farmer doesn't know because many just let the beefers go and do their thing most of the time.  Dairy cows get handled daily for milking and/or are watched when it's time to have their calves in case of problems.

    One cause could be if the cows were trying to calve and died from it, either from breach birth or the calf too big, hemmorhage, or other problems.  

    Also, cows tend to be creatures of habit. They will lie down in the same spots if it is a favorite area and if you only drive by at a certain time it could be their resting time.  Cows also will lie flat, but not too often, because it is a vulnerable position.

    If you're really worried you can always stop at the farm and say you think their cows are dead.  The farmer might not know what is going on out there, since this is a busy time for them.

  3. It could just be "their time". Cows die just as people do. It could also be that some of the farm hands work at other farms as well, which could bring diseases if they do not properly clean themselves before moving to the next farm. I would not be too worried about it, because of the simple fact that if there is a problem then the owner will report it I'm sure. And the other may have just been laying there. Cows do lay down and sometimes even roll over on they're side and such.

  4. I agree with your other answers, but you say they are in several farms in your area this past week...could some dumb kid have gotten trigger happy?  Friend of mine lost 2 horses by some idiot.  Hope not!

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