
Dead end/no outlet sign.?

by  |  earlier

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They both mean the same thing, don't they? I was wondering, because my friend and I drove up to a fork in the road, and the beginning of one street was staked with the sign "dead end" and the other "no outlet". Is there a reason for this specific wording? What constitutes a 'no outlet' road or a dead end.. how are they different?




  1. No outlet usually means, the road goes somewhere, such as a business or a caldisac in a residential area. There is usually somewhere to turn around at the end. Dead end usually means the road will end at a field or something with nowhere to turn around.

  2. Maybe the locals don't want any visitors and want you to turn around and leave?????????

  3. usually the no outlet sign is out by the intersection to keep non locals from going down the street and the dead end sign is at the end of the road/street where it or just before it ends to keep you from going off the road

    but they can be switched

    and where as deadend means you may be able to turn around usually no outlet you cant turn around


  4. Yes that mean the same thing.......

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