
Dead fiddler crab???

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okay- i had one male and one female fiddler crab. ive had them for about 3 months and they have done great, until last night. the male wasnt being his normal self- this morning he was dead. =[

i had them in a nice little 2.5 gallon tank with sand and rocks and about 2 inches of water. (yes they could get out of the water very easily) and yes i did normal water changes and yes i fed them. last night i put them in a similar set up, but in a 5.5 gallon- but he was acting strange before i even started the switch-

so what did i do?! please help so i dont make the same mistake twice...




  1. Fiddler crabs need brackish water. Were you adding salt to the water? If not, that could be your problem.

    Also, what were you feeding them? If they weren't eatting enough, or the right stuff, that could explain their early demise.

    Also, did you remember to use a declorinator? If the water had clorine in it, that would have killed them fast enough as well.

    I'm sorry about your loss. They are amusing little creatures that are fun to keep if you can just keep them happy and meet their needs.

  2. Maybe they needed a place to get out of the water,you can float or tie a rock to a piece of Styrofoam.

  3. Fish and animals can sense when things are going to happen so he was probably getting a bit stressed.

    He probably was affected by the water quality in the new tank and the shock of moving him

    hope this helps
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