
Dead guppy. Will my other fish die?

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One of my guppies started to have white stuff on its mouth like cotton, then red gills, then a red head. Then it died. I was wondering what this was and if I should do a 100% water change to not infect the other fish. Thank you.




  1. i never knew that guppies would need a mineral block, so that MAY be the cause, but i definitely would suggest to change the water out...

  2. It will be a fungal infection, it's usually bought on by poor water conditions, and yes it can be contagious. The other fish are in the same poor water and exposed to the infection, so it's quite likely they will catch it.

    Best option, do some extra partial water changes to improve the water quality and if any other fish become sick then treat the tank with an anti-fungal medication (just follow the instructions that come with it exactly).

    Improving the water quality may be enough to allow the rest of your fish to fight off the infection.

    The vitamin block is rip-off, the fish dont need it.


  3. I'm not sure what caused the guppies death, but if I were you I would change the water and clean the tank to sterilize it then replace the dead guppy so the other won't be too depressed and feel alone.

  4. its called cotton mouth you need to treat the other fish because they probley got it because it is contagious so I would get the medicine at the pet store... and do a 100% water change. then do another after you are finish treating it.

  5. Nothing bad should happen. But I would clean the tank just to be on the safe side.

  6. change the water fast if your fish is sick isolate it and give it medicine

  7. It was a fish fungus called cotton mouth. You need to go to the pet store and buy medication for your tank and treat it.

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