I found my youngest of my 3 hamsters tonight, and I really don't know how long she've been dead. I've thought she've was sleeping untill I touched her. A few days ago when I was trying to give her water, and all the time I do, she drinks but this time she didn't. So I left her. Since I was away their bottle was empty for a day or two. But the older one survived--The stay in the same cage. I play with my hamster that has been with the dead hamster for a a day or two--As I assume.
I think it's from dehydration. She was under some bedding I moved the bedding and took her out. I just touched her fur alittle and took a napkin and put her in a box. She's black in the inside. If she died from a disese, do you think I could have CATCHED it?!
I did have side pains still now, for the past two days. But I think it's from other reasons. And I had a cold today.