
Dead or Alive, Who do you talk to?

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A lot of people talk to God or ask WWJD?

In that same vein, do any of you do the above with other people, religious figures aside, when you're thinking about a problem, having a hard day, or just need to get something off your chest, or are in need of some advice?

I'm not suggesting that you really think you're talking to them. But people do do this, whether it's to a picture of a dead relative or even a stuffed animal on your bed.

I know this is weird, but, other then God, sometimes, for me it's Freddie Mercury (I have an action figure of him on my shelf) or an older woman I knew growing up in my neighborhood, who passed away.

Looking for non-judgmental replies. I know it's a quirk. haha.

Peace and Love!




  1. A round table of the greatest thinkers in the world...the great philosophers.

  2. I talk to my cat, asking her questions of what I should do.  She listens quietly and lays for me to pet her and she is a very good listener.  She doesn't answer me, or hasn't yet, but it helps me get a better perspective of what is bothering me and how to get to the result I want.

  3. Remember one thing when you talk to yourself.

    The level of intelligence of the answer will be equal to the level of intelligence of the question.  

  4. for me it depends on what I need talking about... sometimes when I'm troubled, I talk to a therapist I really liked that I no longer see... or sometimes I talk to whoever the thought I'm thinking about belongs to... sometimes I just get in touch with myself...  

  5. Both.

    And Yahoo said:

    "Tip: Be as specific and detailed as you can. Use any personal experience or knowledge you might have."

    "You can use research to help support your answer."

    " looks like you have a lot of punctuation."

    "Oops! It looks like you have 1 misspelling(s)."

  6. What you are really doing is talking to your subconscious mind. The trick is to listen.

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