
Dead pet rat ?

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I woke up this morning to find my two pet rats dead.

I've been feeding them everyday, and havent fed them anything unusuall, they havent been out of there cage for a few days and there is no blood or anything in there cage to suggest why they died.

They were about 8 months old, any idea's on what may have happened ?




  1. I'm so sorry. It could of been the sort bedding you gave them. It can cause respiratory problems.

  2. Hard to say. Could've been an underlying health issue (heart, brain, etc.) that showed little to no symptoms. Especially if they're related.

    P.S. ''Haven't been out of their cage for a few days''. Why not? Rats should get daily 'outings'.

    Either way, I'm sorry for your loss. Some rats really do leave this world with little to no explanation. I've had a couple of rats that have done it. Fine one minute, deceased the next.

  3. maybe it got too hot for them! where i live i have seen a whole bunch of birds laying on the sidewalk that have just dropped dead from the heat. sorry about your rats=(, i used to have 2 of them myself!

  4. im sorry about your rats. maybe they ate something that you were un aware of

  5. Once there was a plastic bag in my rats cage and it was all in peaces i dont know how did my rats get it in there...i was so scared i thought they gonna die after eating plastic, well they didnt but ur rats might have eaten something bad...were there anithing next to their cage they could have pulled in or something

    or maybe if u feed them with food thats soft or something, their teeth might grow too long, but i dont think they can die from that and at the same time....

    Sorry for ur rats :(

  6. Well, i am very sorry to hear that. My rat Mabel is 8 months old aswell :)

    But, it is probabley because it may have been to hot. or the eneded up getting into or breathing in something toxic to rats.

    Uhmm, maybe if yu have them in an auarium tank then they probabley died because it was to hot and humid and theyre isnt enough ventaliation. I am very sorry to hear that thye diesd. But yu know what yu can do. so in the furutre when yu get antother rat or sumthing. Take it to the vet, or ell call first and they can do a biopsy to check and see what the casue of death is. It isnt that much money either !

    Hope i helped. !

    And sorry again ! :(

  7. Why didnt you let them out of there cage? They probably got depressed or it was from the heat. The room should have been cool for them. Why werent they out!! When you get a pet you need to take responsibility and take care of them!! NOT leave them in there cage. ESPECIALLY rats!! Jeeze

  8. Poor rats! I always loved mine to bits, but they're so short-lived...

    I'm guessing they accidentally got ahold of something poisonous. Maybe they got into something tasty but bad for them, maybe chocolate, perhaps? Do you have any youngsters in your house, kids or siblings that might not know what the ratties can and can't eat, and might have given them something they shouldn't ought to have?

    Sounds like a really sad accident. Unfortunately, you may never know what happened. I'm sorry, it's so sad when they die, because rats are such lovely little critters...

  9. Hmm, that is very mysterious isn't it. Well, I would say what everyone else has said, perhaps they got ahold of something that is toxic to rats. There are sources online that you can read that will tell you which foods are poisonous to could even do a search to find out if there are specific household objects that pose a threat to rats...I know there are quite a few actually. I am sorry for your loss, but did you happen to notice any signs of illness such as frequent sneezing accompanied by red eye or nasal discharge, coughing, wheezing, ruffled fur, hunched posture, or watery eyes? All of these things can indicate illness in rats, once a rat has contracted a respiratory infection, it is very easy for them to succumb to puenomia. 8 months old is way too young for a rat to die of old age, so obviously, you can rule that one out. I would try and remember all the things you have fed them the last few days and if you are unsure about a certain food, look it up online and find out. Again, I am sorry about your loss, hope my input helps, goodluck.

  10. have u sprayed any fly or ant spray or mayb even air freshner in the room their in. i sprayed some ant spray on the other side of the room and accidently poisoned my rat by doing it.

  11. You have my condolences i remember when i had to put down my rat.

    I suggest going to your vet and getting a post mortem done to find how they died, but it is strange to have them both just drop dead.
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