
Dead something in our office?

by  |  earlier

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There seems to be a dead something in our office, maybe a rat....... the smell is getting really bad and no one can come out until late tonight to sort it..... Should we still be working?




  1. Is the office cleaned daily?

    Maybe time for a good clear out, if there's something dead then you'll soon find it.

    Do you have a dog? They got a habit of finding dead things, just take the dog to work with you.

  2. First of all, get on to Health & Safety if you've got one.You shouldn't be working around summat that makes you feel poorly.

    How you approach this depends on the size of the firm and the nature of your relations with management - are you on first-names with them and quite jovial, or starchy and "Sir" ?

    If they're really horrible about it threaten them with the local press! It shouldn't come to that, though, if you're polite but determined.

  3. call vet or somthing... its wrong. there shouldnt be a ghastly smell! when animals die it takes about 7hours for the smell to produce same with humans x--x  

  4. Are you sure it is a rat that smells and not one of your colleagues?

  5. And no bodies bothered to look or investigate yet, meanwhile, you still are talking about it?


  6. The horrible smell won't kill you and shouldn't keep you from working.

    If it bothers you that much get a respirator/breathing mask from Lowe's or Home Depot during your lunch break.

    You could also keep the doors open to let the offices air out.

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