
Deadbeat dads with substance abuse problems?

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This question is for women who have children with deadbeat dads with substance abuse problems. Did he tell you that he would stop using (especially at the beginning of the pregnancy)? Did he follow through or does he continue to have problems with the given substance? Do you allow your child to see the deadbeat dad?




  1. my daughter sees her dad, she stayed with him over the summer (court ordered) He tries to hide his drinking, but she's not dumb, she said he was drunk alot.I'm sending a letter to the judge in HOPES that her say will matter some. (she's11)

    He doesn't admit he has a problem. but in my opinion, if you HAVE to have at the very least a 6-12 pack every night , theres a problem. he used drugs while we were together too, but i have no proof that he is now. i asked for a drug test and the court didn't think it was necessary. VERY FRUSTRATING SITUATION

  2. My daughter's dad has a bad drug problem.  He swore he would quit, and she is now almost 1 year old and he still uses.  He hasn't seen her in a few weeks, and as God as my witness I will do whatever it takes to make sure he never lays eyes on her again.  She is not safe in his care, and if you are pregnant with a man's child who has a drug and/or alchohol problem, my advice would be to get out while you can, before things get worse.

  3. thats why its called substance abuse. they are addicts. i mean hopefully he does stop using or drinking or whatever!! but he is addicted do you really think he is going to stop just because your having a baby?

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