
Deadl animal.?

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scientist put that masquitos are the deadleast animal i think it is the human being couse we kill more thany eny animal ever has. what do you think should be the deadleast




  1. "fly like a mosquitoe sting like a human "

    Humans r the deadliest..

  2. animals kill for food and defense

    man kill for food,defense and to feed his insatiable need for luxury and comfort and fun and laughter and the feel being stronger and power and..etc.....

    tat makes man a senseless killer and thus more deadlier,,,,,

  3. humans can think for themselves, so they have morals (well most)

    animals are instinctive therefore they are deadlier

  4. I agree humans are the deadliest they  kill alot for no good reason like the wars they are just for some countries stealling there oil and killing innocent babies and women and so so much innocent people so i don't think mosquitoes can kill as much as Isralein and American troops and as faster

  5. I agree.  Humans are the deadliest.  And, the reason is, because we are going to "breed" ourselves and our planet out of existence.  Our overwhelming need to over populate this earth,  with no regard as to the consequences of what it's doing to our resources, our environment,  and to each other, WILL eventually destroy everything.  THAT is what makes us so deadly.
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