
Deadliest Chemical?

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What is the deadliest chemical?




  1. nicotine

  2. hydrochloric acid in my guess

  3. farts

  4. deadly is deadly, one chemical that will kill you is just as deadly as the next chemical that will kill you

  5. Chemical compound  - VX Nerve Gas

    Chemical Element - Plutonium

  6. well it depends

    you could say hydrogen......

    you know the hydrogen BOMB

  7. Anything that kills me is deadly... Dead is Dead.  None moreso than the other.

  8. arsenic

  9. Cyanide

  10. a spit on the always leads to deaths....

  11. First, I seriously hope you aren't planning on using this info for anything illegal. That's murder.

    Second, there are many chemicals that will kill people. Carbon monoxide, potassium cyanide, chloride gas, etc. All those have an end result of dead. I don't know how you would choose which is more "deadly". Deadliness would probably depend on their concentration.

    edit: Most common? Water. Drowning.

    Ok, not really. But cars produce carbon monoxide..and that kills you. It's odorless, colorless, and tasteless. Houses have carbon monoxide detectors so that people don't die of poisoning.

    Once again, I seriously hope you aren't going to use this for anything illegal...

  12. Here is a list of some very deadly toxins (at least to humans) in terms of dose (mass of poison per mass of body weight):

    For comparison, the LD50 for VX nerve gas is 10 mg, so if you normalize that by body weight (assuming a 100 kg man), tetanus at 1 ng/kg is 100,000 times more toxic.

    note:  LD50 stands for Lethal Dose 50%, or the amount that will cause death in half of a given sample of animals/people.  Googling "LD50 humans" will give you toxicity information on lots of different things.

  13. it depends. if you want something that explodes, think TNT. if you want dangerous fumes, hydrochloric acid. if you want acid that eats away at skin like in the movies, that's Vitriol (nitric acid).

  14. why u want to know

  15. uranium
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