
Deaf Community in Ireland?

by Guest63759  |  earlier

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Greetings ~

I'm a Deaf American from the Midwest area of the United States, and I have a strong interest in Ireland... I am hoping to visit the country within the next year or two.

I was born Deaf and consider myself a member of the Deaf Community. I know and use American Sign Language, although I do speak and lipread as well. I'm a graduate of Gallaudet College/University, and I have worked in Deaf Services. I do have many Deaf friends (although I have many hearing friends as well!)

I've been curious to learn about the Deaf Community in Ireland... about Irish Sign Language, services for the Deaf, schools for the Deaf, interpreters for the Deaf, Deaf Clubs, etc. etc. etc.

My hope is to perhaps learn something and maybe meet someone on the internet who can tell me more, and thus have a friend I can correspond with and perhaps meet when I actually do make that trip!

Anyone here who might be able to assist me?

Thank you, and have a nice day.




  1. if it was the north you are visiting it would be BSL

    if its the south you are visiting i found this site that may be of help

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