
Deaf People?

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If two deaf people had intercourse, would their child be deaf?




  1. It is very possible for the child to be born with hearing instead of being born with deafness.

  2. It's a possibility, but there is no solid answer to that question.

  3. I think that if the deafness was hereditary, the child might have deafness but if deafness is caused from a birth defect or accident, I do not think that the child would be deaf

  4. not necessarily, unless the deafness is genetic, then there is a possibility.

  5. It's possible. I know some families where deafness is related genetically, but I know other families where they have no history of deafness.

    There are a lot of different causes of deafness, some are genetically related, some are based on syndromes that just show up, some are from things during pregnancy like measles or fetal alcohol syndrome.

  6. Generally speaking deafness that is not caused by illness, birth trauma or injury, is genetic. Some of the diseases that commonly cause deafness are: Measles, Meningitis or Mumps, but there are many others. Checking family history to determine if disease is the cause is the first thing to consider when trying to figure out if a particular person's deafness is caused by illness or heredity.

    Given that, genes that cause different forms of deafness can be either recessive or dominant.

    If a person has a dominant gene for deafness and the other partner does not, there will be a 1 in 4 chance that a baby will be deaf. If the gene is recessive, both parents will have to carry it in order for a 1 in 4 chance of deafness. This is fairly remote.

    You can tell when a family has a dominant gene for deafness because deafness will appear across generations.

  7. eh grossness like why are you even asking this

  8. My younger sister is a member of the deaf community. We have many friends who are deaf, and have all hearing children. It depends if they're deafness is genetic, or a birth defect/result of accident/ilnees ect. If the deafness is genetic, the child does have a higher chance of deafness, but there is still a possibility that the child will be able to hear fine
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