
Deaf cat-meowing VERY loud, VERY early in the morning-please help!

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Hi. I have a very sweet, loveable little 11 month old white, very deaf kitten. Well, cat/kitten. I love her to peices, but she meows louder (obviously she has no concept of just how loud she can be) then anything, EVER! She starts at about 4 am some mornings, ands its usually to come into our room, but even if she comes in, she'll still wonder around the house yowling. We've tried water spray to dicourage it, firm finger pointing (she KNOWS that means 'no' for everything but this), feeding her as soon as she starts, leaving doors open so she can come and go to the bedrooms as she wants. You can hear her from the complete opposite end of the house with al the doors closed!

We have another cat and they get along great, but the company doesn't seem to change her meowing.

I know she cant help it, and I know she doesn't really ahve complete understanding of the dissruption she's causing-but we need our sleep!

Does anyone know how we can stop it? Anyone have a similar situation? Any advice would be GREAT!

Thank you!




  1. You have taught her that meowing in the morning will get her food. I think ignoring her is the way to go. I know you said it didn't work, but you should try it for longer. It will probably take a while, but you will break her of the habit as soon as she realizes that meowing won't get her fed. It's like human babies of deaf parents dont cry out loud, they just make the crying faces. Because making the noise doesn't do any good.

  2. she is hungry my cat does this a lot try giving her some small pieces of chicken. If that doesn't work. try taking her to the vet.

  3. Unfortunately, I don't have that great of an answer (but undoubtedly better than the others you've received).

    My cat sometimes cries in the mornings. She is not deaf, but it is a similar situation. I'll wander around at six in the morning, wondering why the heck she's meowing. She never seems to want food or play or anything. Usually, it's just that she wants me up so she can be with me.

    Obviously, the cat doesn't know what she's doing wrong. If she can't hear herself, all she feels is the vibration of her own vocal cords. Maybe this is pleasant, or maybe she's just meowing for the heck of it.

    Does she know it gets your attention? Maybe she's just bored and the vibration in her throat, along with the reaction and attention from you, is fun for her after a long boring night.

    This really is a unique situation. The usual human/cat interaction is difficult because your voice means nothing to her. You have to convey everything through your posture, expression, and hand gestures or touching.

    Were I in a similar situation, I would probably end up picking her up and putting her in the bed with me. I wouldn't know if she would keep meowing or just get down again, though.

    Possibly you could try playing hard with her each night. Really get her moving and bouncing and running. If you tire her out, she might be content to rest until you wake up at the normal time.

    Sorry I can't give you more!

  4. Is it fixed? It may be in heat. if so take her to the vet otherwise this wont stop. If she is fixed then Im not to sure, my cat did it but he was just lonely and our 2nd cat helped.

  5. in heat

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