
Deaf cat meowing incredibly loudly early am! Help!

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Hi. I have a very sweet, loveable little 11 month old white, very deaf kitten. Well, cat/kitten. I love her to peices, but she meows louder (obviously she has no concept of just how loud she can be) then anything, EVER! She starts at about 4 am some mornings, ands its usually to come into our room, but even if she comes in, she'll still wonder around the house yowling. We've tried water spray to dicourage it, firm finger pointing (she KNOWS that means 'no' for everything but this), feeding her as soon as she starts, leaving doors open so she can come and go to the bedrooms as she wants. You can hear her from the complete opposite end of the house with al the doors closed!

We have another cat and they get along great, but the company doesn't seem to change her meowing. We ignored the first month or so, and it didn't deter her! She just goes and goes. She's not in heat, as it's different, and it is literally every morning.

I know she cant help it, and I know she doesn't really have complete understanding of the dissruption she's causing-but we need our sleep!

Does anyone know how we can stop it? Anyone have a similar situation? Any advice would be GREAT!

Thank you!




  1. This is a toughie - I have never had a deaf cat.

    I do know that many extreme behaviors are lessened when a cat is neutered.  So that's something to keep in mind.

    I would recommend talking to an expert - either a behaviorist or a vet who is experienced in deaf cat behaviors.

    (my google of deaf cat meow wasn't getting me anywhere)

    Sorry to have so little to offer, but saw that no one else had responded yet.

    You're wonderful for taking in a deaf kitten - I hope someone has a solution!

  2. wow im sorry i have no clue what to tell you :(.I just wanted to say that it is really good you took in a deaf kitten most people would overlook blind,deaf,or pets with a missing leg or something.You have a good heart and I hope someone knows the solution to your problem!!

  3. I don't actually think the loud meowing is caused by your cat being deaf.I also have a cat who does it,i really wish she'd behave with our other cat but luckily if we ignore her she'll stop after about 10 minutes.

    I would say to try ignoring her but you've already done that.

    My other suggestion would be to try and make sure she is sleeping when you are her a cat bed and rub it with a familiar smell she likes,put her in there with a warm dish of milk when you go to bed and if you can shut her off at one end of the house.

    Hope that helps.

  4. I had a similar problem with my white deaf kitty a long time ago when I lived in a very small apartment.  His name was "Baby Bruno" - he was so loud!  He was so funny with food, sometimes he would take a piece in his mouth and shake it and growl.  He had one green eye and one blue eye and was very sweet.  

    We never could reduce the volume of his meows, he had a great loud purr-er too.  We just learned not to be annoyed.  And that took some work!

    I don't know what else you could try beyond visiting with a behaviorist animal vet.  But I think I would call around, starting with your own vet and see if you could get some help from your vet.  I have worked at a couple of vet clinics and forgive me if I suggest asking the receptionist to ask the doctor for suggestions.  A lot of receptionists can be pretty clueless, and a lot of times, depending on the clinic, they have been directed not to 'bother' the doctor - but in my experience, the doctor will be likely to be intrigued and want to try to be helpful in a unique situation such as the one you are describing.

    And I think you are right about your kitty not understanding.  And I really doubt that any punishment tactic will work.

    I do wish you the best of luck and I hope you do find an answer that will work for you.  I think you will need time and a lot of patience.  I would love to hear what you do figure out.

  5. I have a deaf,male neutered cat who used to do the same thing when he was younger.He is 4 now,but he will still 'yowl" sometimes.He sounds like a peacock! I don't know how to stop it,other than to get used to it ( and I am.)

    And you state that she isn't in heat? Is she spayed ,then,because even if she's not in heat,being intact may be making her more vocal than normal,so I would advise you to get her spayed ASAP - you don't want her sneaking out while in heat and then having her get killed because she can't hear a car approaching,or getting pregnant and passing her deafness on to her kittens.

    Another thing you can try beside having her spayed,is to give her her own room at the other end of the house at night,equipped with a cat tree,toys,water and food,and get your self a white noise machine and earplugs to wear to bed. Good luck!

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