
Deaf ppl getting ssi ?

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jim say it all hearing ppl taking our world

what do you think ? of why deaf are getting ssi ?




  1. Taking over the world??please!

    Where are the Deaf teachers? You can have my job! My state school for the Deaf has openings every year and never do Deaf apply..what am I suppose to tell parents who come to educate their kids. "I'm sorry, we can't take you kid because we are a little short of Deaf teachers right now and we don't want to teach him the wrong signs."

    Where are the materials for the Deaf BY the Deaf? I am tired of the same ol' videos and stories signed by the same ol' people. Where are the standardized tests written for and by the Deaf? oh and where are the Deaf charter schools in my state? Hearing parents get disgusted with a school they start up their own- come on Deaf people where are your charter schools. I know of only two in my whole state.

    Until the Deaf Community organizes and mobilizes I will keep filling in the gaps- sorry if that looks like "taking over" but I'm just doing my job.

  2. What ?

  3. I feel a little bit of sympathy towards people who have non-working or non-existent body parts, however unless you are missing several of your digits or are special in the head..... DON'T TYPE LIKE A SILLY GOOSE!!!!

  4. Unless they work in a dangerous environment that is a threat for them (i.e. trucks or whistling stuff) deaf people are not to supposed to be considered as handicaped (different from other workers)

  5. As the wife a a deaf man (who is not getting ssi, btw), you have no idea how screwy the workforce is for the hearing impaired.  He has to work 60+ hours/week at two jobs to make 1/2 of what a normal hearing man with equivalent experience and education will make in ONE job.  If these folks are getting SSI to help make ends meet (it is supplemental, not enough to live on), I say more power to them.

    Because deafness is not viewed the same as blindness (do we get a break on our taxes like we would if he were blind . . . NOPE), it is a difficult life, but think about how you would feel if you lost your ability to communicate.  More people can speak Spanish than sign.

    That being said, am I happy being in a mixed hearing marriage?  Yep.  I learn so much from his patience and perserverance each day.

  6. One problem is that deaf education fails our children miserably.  The average deaf person in the United States graduates with a third to fifth grade reading level, depending upon the study.  To put this into perspective, the average newspaper is written at the fifth grade level.  One of the reasons for this poor ability to read is because, up until very recently, deaf children born to hearing families with no prior history of deafness (90% of deaf kids born in the US fall into this category) historically have not been diagnose duntil ages two, three, or even four or five and therefore they misse dout on really important years of language learning, and some never catch up.  Now, many states have laws where all infants must have a hearing screening within 24 hours of birth, so hopefully, things will start to improve in this regard.

    I don't have a problem with deaf people getting SSI- as others have said, it's much harder for deaf people to get a good education and a good paying job- but I and many of the deaf people I know have a HUGE problem with deaf peddlers who sell those little ABC sign language cards at the mall and stuff.  They make it seem to all hearing people like deaf people are completely incapable of working, and that's simply not true.

  7. Deafness is not a "disability" and there is absolutely no reason for deaf people to be sitting around collecting checks if they are able to work.  I know a lot of deaf people who work under the table or only a few hours a week so they can still collect those stupid checks.  I also know A LOT of deaf people who work full-time jobs - and they are showing that deafness is not and should not be a crutch.  No, it is not easy being deaf and looking for work... believe me, I have interpreted countless phone calls for my dad growing up and was disgusted with hearing people turning him away simply because he was deaf (it was their loss they didn't know how talented he was).

    Unless you have a debilitating disability that truly prevents you from working at all, there is no reason to be collecting SSI.  Deafness alone is not reason enough.

  8. heart  to get a get a job deaf

  9. If being deaf prevents someone from earning a living, then SSI may apply.  Otherwise, I don't see why it would.

  10. As far as I know deaf people can get SSI because they have a permanent disability that limits what they can do out in the work force. My sister is deaf and she got SSI, it's supplemental income, meaning you'll still probably need a job, if you want to make more than 500 dollars a month. It's more difficult for deaf people to find higher paying jobs, alot of times they are capable, but hearing people are too uncomfortable or scared so to speak, to hire them.

  11. deaf people can only get ssi if they are not working.

    generally deaf are not working because people will not hire them except for lower, poor paying jobs. it takes more work for them to train us because they don't speak our language and they expect us to be able to just adapt to their world.

    if they won't hire us, they should give us the money we need.
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