
Deaf student in London???

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I am a deaf student, trying to study abroad in London. Will it be hard? Do they offer part time work? Is it hard to obtain a job with an work visa and an "disability" .

Im just curious! any sugguestions, advice would be greatly appreciated ! :)




  1. It will probably be a little difficult what with how busy it is there. It shouldn't be too hard to obtain a job. Suggestions would be not to get a late night job :0! London is dangerous at night. Also just don't go out at night. If you're having to use local transport (trains etc.) get there in advance so you know what on earth you're doing ;p Parts are very complicated, but i'm sure you will enjoy it! I love London!

  2. You should have ask that in (People with Disabilities).

  3. Go for it! and give it a matter where you travel in the world, you will face obstacles that will be everywhere, but you can ask before you go, get in touch with a Deaf organisation in London, are you studying in mainstream or a deaf university? get in touch with them and ask for advice.

  4. British people are amazing, they will be very kind and loving, trust me. I love British people.

  5. Read all about it

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