
Deal or no Deal Board Game and odds calculator?

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Does anyone own this game and know how to calculate the odds... and whether or not it actually works?

I'm planning a birthday party and the theme of the whole party is around Deal or No Deal. I wanted to do a lifesize version, so the board games and video games really weren't what I was looking for. I've pretty much got everything ready to go now, but I've had no luck finding a calculator that will calculate the odds correctly.

I read online that you add up the value or the remaining cases and then divide it by how many cases are remaining, but the offer ends up being way off. I found some calculators online, but they use the same method.

I want this to be as real as possible. I plan to buy the board game, I read it tells how to calculate, but was just curious if it really works because I will have to go out of town to get it and don't want to waste my time if it really won't work.

Thanks a million for any help!




  1. Two methods: Add the value of the cases, multiply by .4 and round down to the nearest hundred dollars or make a offer about halfway between the lower 67 percent of the cases and the upper 33 percent.

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