i am a 23 year old mother of a 7 year old boy. well lately i been having problems getting my son's attention. i cant get him to do his homework, i cant get him to do small chores at home because he easely gets distracted by something else. For example.yesterday i had to tell him like 20 times to do his home work, a packet of 5 pages and he had to write something he did on the weekend , one day for each page. It took him 2 hrs to even start 1 and he didnt do it not untill i had to be sitting down right next to him..he wouldnt leave the chair, but would start tapping his pencil on the table... or reading what he had to do over and over for like 1 hr but it seemed like he had no clue what it ment..again i would tell him "please J.J im not playing games with you im serious" and he wouldnt joke around or laugh or tell me he didnt want to do it..he would just go back to the paper but in the matter of seconds something would have his attention..most of the time "the pencil" I NEED ADVICE" plz