
Dealing with a friend that is moving.?

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One of my very close friends moved here last summer. Now, she will be moving back in December. I've grown very close to her. The last time i dealt with this i was very young and the friend moved 15 minutes away (we're not friends anymore). Now, this friend is moving all the way across the United States. Advice, please...?




  1. you have to work for your friendship.

    but it sounds like you two are really close, so it shouldn't be much of a problem to keep in contact and keep your friendship alive. schedule vacations when she can come visit you... or vice versa.

    remember that nothing, not boys, clothes or even distance can come between true friends. as long as you keep that in mind, im sure you two can continue to make it work whether you're in the same state or not.

    hope everything works out for the best :)

  2. i just moved across the country from my whole life

    it sucked so bad i miss them like crazy but the thing is you just have to acept it it will probably will not change

    can you help?;...

  3. Dealing with friends that are moving or moving alone really sucks (I know i've moved twice to 3 different places and have had 2 decent friends move) but the best thing that you can do is the following:

    1) Spend as much time together as possible and enjoy your time together.

    2) exchange phone #'s and email adresses

    ** Just an idea i never got this one to actually work but try web-cams so you can still see each other ( i could never get my web-cam to work)**

    Just a warning:The hardest thing about long distance friendships is keeping in contact. But i"m sure you can handle that.

    Goodl luck and remember don't get hung up on the idea that she will be gone in december but just  enjoy every minute you guys are together!

  4. give them your address or get their address so that you can continue your friendship with them as friends  

  5. This happens to me every year after camp. You spend 6 weeks with the girls 24/7 and some live in different countries. Just talk to your parents, and make sure your able to see your friend. Just keep telling yourself you WILL talk to her weekly, or daily, or whatever fits in both your schedules and you'll keep each other in your lives. Don't go dumping a good friendship just because you guys are miles and miles apart. I now I have best friends in Puerto Rico, Greece, and in Flordia, and friends all the way on the West Coast. It's so much fun being able to visit them, and stay in contact, every time we make a reunion we get to make a huge deal out of it, and make it really special. Just make sure you guys do stay in touch, hopefully you'll be lifetime friends.

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