
Dealing with a long hospital stay?

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I just got back from the hospital where I had a lot of tests done due to high blood preasure ... I was there for 4 hours and I couldnt take it!!

Now they are saying I am expecting a huge baby and I may have a c-section so that means that I will be in the hospital for at least 4 days ...

What the heck am I supposed to do for 4 days? i couldnt even take 4 hours ...

Tell me how you coped with the long hospital stay... how did you stay sane?

What did you do to pass time?

Im 38 weeks 2days




  1. I've had 3 c-sections.  With my last one, I was in the hospital for 4 WEEKS before I had him (and I had him 5 weeks early), then we were there for another full week (he was in NICU).  In the four weeks...I went CRAZY!!  I tried to read a lot, my husband  bought me a Nintendo DS, I had a laptop computer hooked to the internet, movies movies and more movies!!  The 4 days after you have the baby will go quick.  You'll be trying to recover, getting visitors, taking care of your newborn, SLEEPING!!  

    And, btw....c/sections aren't so bad.  The faster you're able to get up and walk around the faster and better you start to heal.  It's not easy and it's slightly painful....but you can do it!!  Seeing your baby for the first time will make ANYTHING bearable!!!

    Good Luck and congratulations!!!!

  2. I haven't had to stay in the hospital yet. Hopefully soon though. My guess would have to be bring books, games, or cards. Depending on your hospital and what they provide, maybe some movies. I would think just having your bundle of joy would be good enough but I see what you are saying. Best of luck!


  4. I went in to be induced on a wed and I had the baby on fri. They told me my baby would be 9 lbs but he was only 8 lbs 4 oz. I was in the hospital from wed till sunday. The first 2 days until I had him i was only allowed up to go to the bathroom. I was miserable and all I had to do was watch tv. I just kept thinking that it was worth the boredom cause when it was over i would get to see my son. I know it's hard waiting but you can do it. Good luck with your baby.

  5. The pain after a C-section is excruciating. I got hte doctor to give me pain-killers which only helped for a while. The first day is basically that-pain, medicine, sleep ,shut eyes because you're upset because of the pain...get the picture? the second day, the nurse will prompt you to breast feed the baby to stimulate lactation. It's very interesting and nice esp when you see the lovely baby God made in your belly. You'll think of your baby a lot and you'll have lots of fussy relatives and friends visiting. Day 3 will have you feeling stronger and looking forward to going home. Keep your feet moving to promote blood circulation. Try to eat healthy and nutritious food to boost your +ve feelings and health. Day 4 , can go home day. You'll be busy with getting ready yourself  and your precious bundle for home. You'll be fine .. 4 days are short. I had to stay for 11 days because of high blood pressure at 38 weeks. Put your mind in the right frame and we can overcome any discomforts. Good Luck!

  6. You probably won't notice long gaps of boredom, you'll have plenty of visitors and you can request to have your baby with you the entire time (Well, here you can anyway! )

  7. I plan on sending my husband to rent some dvd's  and bring some cards or board games.  i'm having my 2nd c-section and my tubes tied so im gonna assume i'll be there for a few days.  And i'll have an adorable little girl to take care of too!!  And send someone out for food is not the best!

  8. I had a c-section with my first and it isn't so bad once your baby is there with you.  Gives you a reason to be there.  You know a reason to want to be there I should say.  Time will go by faster than you think.  I was at the hospital for almost 2 weeks.  It isn't that bad.  You will be able to walk around and stuff

  9. Don't forget... you'll have a baby to take care of.  That should occupy most of your time and energy.

  10. No one can tell the size or weight of your baby in the womb. While you are waiting why don't you read the new information on how to stabilize your blood pressure during pregnancy by increasing the amount of protein you are eating. Information on Dr. Brewer's work on the page below. Best wishes, G

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