The last two years of my life have been extreamly difficult financially. I have worked my butt off sometimes 4 jobs 80+hours a week to avoid bankruptcy and pay back all my previous bills/debts. I had a perfect credit score and numerous credit accounts that were always paid off but becuase of job loss things got a little sticky. Up until this point I have been able to negotiate "deals" with most if not all the credit companies and things are slowly getting back on track. Thats until I came on contact with this most recent collector. I spoke with someone from his office a month and a half ago and agreed on a payment. Since then I have made 3 payments, 1 of which was more then the agreed amount. Now this guy is claiming to be the manager, saying payments are not an option, lump sum only and if not wage garnishments are the only solution as they will know they have "secured" the payment. Im doing everything I can. If I had the money then I wouldnt be in this situations. Suggestions