
Dealing with anger? (Help please)?

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Anyone have any tips for dealing with anger?

It's really bad...

I've never been this way before




  1. try to not be with people and do something like watch a movie until you feel better or alternative solution is to m********e  

  2. get away from people. seriously, cos they might say something that would provoke you further. just get somewhere alone and chill.

    you dont need anger management classes unless you're always angry easily or you have hurt someone because of that.

  3. Well there are several ways to deal with anger, and if your anger is really serious then you should see a councilor to have anger management - it may seem ridiculous, but it really does help.

    If not, a good way to express your anger in a harmless way is to have a stress ball or punching bag. That may also seem a tad stupid, but suppressing anger is bad for your body, it is much better to release your anger on something that won't cause a problem.

    Just make sure that if somebody or something aggravates you, you don't take your anger out on it/them. I know what it's like to just want to throw your laptop at the wall when it constantly crashes, but it's safer and healthier not to. If you get into an argument - never resort to violence. It will only end up hurting you in the end, and if somebody throws a punch at you - don't fight back! If you fight back, you will just be equally punished, but if you don't, it is assault on you which you can take legal action on.

    I hope I've helped just a little. (:

  4. whn ur angry ..just start counting frm back i.e 100 to 1 ...thn hav some deep breath.....always wear a smile on face ...just accept wht is happening ..dont react ....

  5. go out in to a desert or the wilderness and scream as loud as you can then cry

  6. well when i have a major anger breakdown i normal break stuff. but i after it all passes i regret it so.

    what i do now i go for a walk or i'll go hang out alone on the roof

  7. I think we all have some anger to some degree.  At least you realize it is a problem.  There are anger control classes and they have helped a friend of mine.  Call your local mental health agency and see if they offer these classes.  Also, finding out the underlying problem as to what makes you so angry will also help. There are also support groups for this, and that would be helpful.  Good luck!

  8. walk away...take deep breaths.  Go ahead and carry 10 one dollar bills in your pocket. Give one away everytime you get angry....eventually you'll get sick of giving money away and you'll be nicer. If you use up that 10 bucks in one day, then you must use 15 and so on.

  9. when I'm angry i have a warm bath and listen to an audio tape, or tidying occupies me as well : )

  10. If you're having problems with fighting...

    I used to fight all the time. My mother told me to count to turn around, close my eyes, and count to 10.... honestly it never worked. I was more likely to get jumped from behind.

    My advice is to keep breathing. Deep breaths.

    Anger comes from frustration. Frustration from confusion.

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