
Dealing with arrogant boss?

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When I filled out my tax forms for my new job I had to write if I had any student loans. He laughed and said I doubt you would have any of them. Very patronising. I have a completed university degree but said nothing. Then he asked me how I get to work. I said I walk. He could not believe how far I walked. It was like it is only half an hour walk. He asked me if I had a car. I said no. He said shite 29 and no car, and was surprised. I told him I was thinking of getting a bicycle. He laughed and said can you ride a bike? Then he asked me to write a letter and asked if I can type. I quit due to his bad attitude but seriously, how stupid does he think I am? I am still pissed off about this and it was last year. How do you deal with people like this?




  1. Some bosses (mostly men) seem to think they have an upper hand over women for some reason in higher paying jobs. Its sort of like them saying "your female so you don't belong here" lets face it. Women are treated more critical in the workplace no matter if you are VP of a fortune 500 or a waitress down at the corner diner. Men still think that they can grab your *** if you happen to look good to them and they think nothing of it. When you report inappropriate behavior then it is treated like a slap on the hand to a 2 year old for being bad, in other words not much of a consenquence to be harvested from their bad behavior. The best thing to do is stand up for yourself if you think you are being treated unfairly. Stay level headed and don't go all emotional. You did the right thing. Now its time for you to let go and move on from it though. The more you think about this boss and what he did or said, the more it will haunt you. Don't give him that control over your thoughts. Your thoughts are owned by you. Kick him out of your head have more important things to do.  

  2.   Wow.  That's amazing, and frankly, more than patronizing.  That's just mean and wrong.  Arrogant pretty much sums up what you describe.  Was it just you that he acted this way with (somehow I doubt it)?  I totally understand why you'd still feel angry.

      I am trying my very, very best to think about how I'd deal with people like that.  I'm in a transition phase, so to speak, and the old me would probably go back to where he is, get in his face, and yell like a USMC Drill Instructor.  The new-me-in-training would probably have to let it go.  I think that it's just exhausting to hang on to resentments and anger.  You think about it and get angry at the person, even though they don't give others a second thought.  He'll get what's coming to him.  No doubt about it.  You, however, make sure to take the "high road", let what this jerk said just lift off of you, and know that you are a smart person who probably intimidated him.  You never see people act that way towards others unless a lot of personal fear is involved.  Living in fear must be miserable.  Trust me, the dude's scared and miserable.

  3. You did it.  You quit.

    You can't get through to idiots like him and there's no point in trying.  Answer their questions, be polite, get your work done, and find another job.

    Good for you for moving on.

  4. You just don't talk to these kinds of people at all. Don't worry about it at all. It has nothing to do with you. It has all the wrong things to do about his attitude.

    You should be thankful to yourself that you're much better than him because you have a very good personality and were patient and able to bear with his arrogance.

    I think you're one of the best people. You will find much better bosses later on. I'm pretty sure :)

    Hope you get a great job somewhere!

  5. My boss told me I was fat in a staff meeting about a month ago.  Luckily he speaks only Korean and I speak practically none.  Once he gave the entire staff a 25 min lecture (in Korean) on proper toilet usage.  I just try to ignore him as best I can.  I'm leaving in two months and simply waiting it out so I can get a rather large contract completion bonus.  I'm not sure I would have made it if we actually spoke the same language.  As it is, I always have a new and hilarious story to share with my friends after work.  I just laugh it off, but my boss is truly absurd.

    By the bye, I'm 5'6 and 120 pounds and one of my co-workers translates for me.  

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