
Dealing with cramps..?

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So i just got my period today (definaitly not for the first time tho)

And i have really bad cramps right now...

What do u do when u have cramps?

Any tips on waht I can do.?

Oh and i cant go to the store to get anything cuz its like 9pm and my mom is she is sleeping..




  1. Warmth is best.

    Have a nice warm shower or bath (bath is better)

    or you could

    use a hot water bottle or weat bag.

    When you relax, so will the cramps.

  2. Heating pad and IB Profin always helped me.

  3. I get a heating pad in the morning and night and during the afternoon ill go for a walk.

    take midol, advil, or tylenol

  4. I've had my period for 3 years and I still always get cramps. I usullay put a hot water bottle on my stomach or go for a run. Pain killers help if you can't sleep. Because they take the pain away while you are trying to go to sleep

  5. take a warm bath or shower. If you have any pain killers in the house take them and go to bed with a hot water bottle that is about all you can do. If you normally have bad cramps the specialists are now saying that active exercise will definitely decrease the amount of bad cramps that you get.
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