
Dealing with intense break up?

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been together for one 13 months i called yesterday for goods basi cally i called the relationship off so many time since we started dating maybe like every 25 he 44 got two kids and separated iwas married for 5 years we both cheated on each other partner basically he left his wife two months after meet me and i conffesed to my husband after 2 weekd seeing him i we both wasnt happy with our marriage i do felt for this guy big time he felt the same way he got his own place and i got mine but he live at mine mnost of the time the only time he stayed at his place was when his kids sleeping over which is once or twice every week the kids things really bothering my mind they are great kids but i just cant accpeted the fact i have to share him and he `s the kind of person that wond understand what i felt its very sad being second and i know if im goin to be with this guy i would never be his first which is sad not that the problem i reckon he treated me like **** say thing thats hurt and manulative possesive and obbsesed .i told him i cant do thhis i have to leave we are not good for each other and we hurt each other .the final things that i did was yesterday i packed all his stuff and droped them at his place nd give back his key and give back the ring that he bought so its hurt so much what i should do to not going back no more ?

i just had enough ,i have a limit how much more can i be? i cant let my self to feel this way all the time cant let my self miserable and cried most days its my fault cause i let it to be happent if do u think he would call me and annoying me after this?

he havent called me since i said US IS OVER .he text back yes we are .im sriously dont want him back but at the monet i think about hi alot and hurts so much i hope i cant get throught this please guys advise ,




  1. Oh please.  Your mind is saying your no good, your emotions are telling you something else.

    If you go with your emotions, the chaos and worry will only continue!!!

    You have to decide THAT IT IS OVER.  YOU!!!   That means NO CONTACT WITH HIM EVER AGAIN!!!!!

    Your mind knows this is the only reasonable decision, since you are not good or right for each other.

  2. Aw, boo hoo. Sorry, lady, but you get no sympathy here. Dogs and whores who destroy their marriages deserve all the misery they get when their new 'relationship' falls apart. I hope the two of you enjoy every minute of it.

  3. I can't read this mess due to all the spelling errors!  I think you should learn to read, write and spell before you attempt a relationship!!

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