
Dealing with my druggie brother...?

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My brother (a drug addict) keeps finding ways into my room to steal my prescription drugs. I've hid it (he found it)and had a door with a push-lock and a key-lock (he picked them). Is there a way to keep my door locked, short of installing a deadbolt?

Thanks so much!




  1. He would find a way to get in even with a dead bolt lol. Just don't keep them in there...problem solved. Keep them in your purse or locked in your car. If you need to take 2 pills a day just take the amount you need in your pocket or make-up bag and keep the full bottle at work or in your school locker or somewhere that he has no access to.

  2. keep your drugs on you, in your bag, but dont keep them where he can get to them.  buy a strong box


    good luck

  3.   Your brother needs to get the h**l out of your house!  You need to have a serious talk with your parents!  He needs help and they are only enabling him by letting him stay in the home.  He needs to be put into rehab or if he is old enough and refuses to go, he should be kicked out of the home.  You shouldn't  have to deal with his c**p any more you have enough in your life to deal with!   If your parents find it too hard to be firm with him, try hiding  your prescription drugs some where outside of your room  like under the couch, in your parents safe,behind a photo frame.  Stay tough!

  4. tell your parents. it sounds like he may have to be admitted into a treatment center. popping pills is just one big gateway to heavier more serious drugs. put a stop to it now while it isnt something very very serious.

  5. Drug addicts are driven by forces the average person cannot feel.

    Get him help.

    Get yourself to narcotics anonymous to learn how you must deal with this. Do NOT try to do it on your own.

    Now for the lock part.

    A deadbolt that requires a key from both sides to open might do it. IF he doesn't crash the door in.

    Hopefully he is not too far into the drugs. Maybe yours are the only ones he has been getting and it won't be too hard to get him off.

    Tell somebody who can back you up.

    Parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents.

    Get going before he overdoses and you will feel terrible for not acting in time.

  6. Your parents should make him give you your medication back.  If he refuses, his problem is with them, not you.  You shouldn't have to fight with him over that.  Get your parents involved.

    Far out!  Some brother.  You could try putting the medication in another spot or...ergh...get a deadbolt.

  7. Sounds like you need to find a whole different place to keep your medications.  

  8. if your brother is a drug addict. you first need to get him help! drugs are deadly killers.. you dont want anything to happen to him do you? this is what needs to be done. you can put all the locks you want on a door.. it will not solve the problem.. druggies always have ways to get their fix..stop thinking about putting a lock on the door and find a way to get your brother off of drugs before he kills himself...that is more important!

  9. There is this device you can use where one part goes on the door and the other on the frame and they match up. When the door is opened it sounds a high pitched alarm. You can turn it off and on. I forget what it's called. Google it.

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