I'm a swimmer. When I started out (age 12), I wasn't very good and I was one of the worst. I eventually worked my way to being middle of the pack. Over the past few months, I've gotten much much better. Now, I'm a h.s freshman on varsity and I'm now competeing with the top swimmers.
Recently, my coach moved me into a faster lane (2) for practice. Yet when I arrived, I was snobbed and told to go back to my old lane. My old lane told me I was too fast to swim with them and I needed to go to lane 2. I don't like the Lane 2 swimmers that much because of their arrogant, shallow, (and very competitive) attitudes. I've lost some friends, gained a couple fans, and made some enemies within a few months.
I'm not going to stop swimming- I love it, but I don't love how I seem to be unwanted. Should I tell my coach about this? If so, how?
Competition can make people uglyyyyyy
thank you