
Dealing with poor sports!?

by Guest66392  |  earlier

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I'm a swimmer. When I started out (age 12), I wasn't very good and I was one of the worst. I eventually worked my way to being middle of the pack. Over the past few months, I've gotten much much better. Now, I'm a h.s freshman on varsity and I'm now competeing with the top swimmers.

Recently, my coach moved me into a faster lane (2) for practice. Yet when I arrived, I was snobbed and told to go back to my old lane. My old lane told me I was too fast to swim with them and I needed to go to lane 2. I don't like the Lane 2 swimmers that much because of their arrogant, shallow, (and very competitive) attitudes. I've lost some friends, gained a couple fans, and made some enemies within a few months.

I'm not going to stop swimming- I love it, but I don't love how I seem to be unwanted. Should I tell my coach about this? If so, how?

Competition can make people uglyyyyyy

thank you




  1. I would wait it out. The swimmers in lane 2 will get to know you and accept you. I somewhat know how you feel. For a few weeks this year, we had to practice with another school because our pool was being serviced. Me and one other guy from my school were put in their fastest lane and they weren't exactly very nice the first few days. Then when they saw that we could keep up and were just as good, they were ok with us.

  2. Just ignore them and if you keep improving you may even go past them if you can show them that your level of swimming is equal or better than theirs then you will find the respect following

    If they keep snubbing you just keep swimming you are there for you and no-one else don't give up on the sport you love because of a few shallow egos

  3. Just keep swimming. Tell them to get over their insecurities and if they want you to move back tell them to talk to the coach.

  4. Just laugh it off, if you dont get in the lane two's swimmers, then there really shouldnt be a problem I am an h.s. freshman too, and i instantl went to the senoir lane, where i wasnt exactly welcomed. I just laughed when they siad go back to ur lane, but i had to swim so i went and everthing turned out to be fine. Dont go to ur old lane, it will only hold u back. U dont socialize too much in preactice anyways, so u shouldn;t loose a lot of friends.

  5. Yes, you should tell your coach. If people are treating you that way, they are immature and it's just not nice. I don't see why they won't let you in their lane. Just tell them the coach told you to swim there.

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