
Dealing with rude!!

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i work as a receptionist as a front desk assistant.people who walk in as patients are mostly rude,unsmiling and really irks me.we are also humans with feelings too!!! we are not here to take advantage of the clients!! we do our work and our job is not as simple as some people think.we r not dolls just to smile and really irritates me when people r do i deal with them?




  1. you need to be in their shoes for a second...

    number1: almost everyone who comes there leaves his work and has heard something "wonderful" from their bosses and they are very "happy" about it..  some of that "happiness" is given to you..

    number2: when a person is sick he cant think of anything good to speak to any one..

    number3: every thing takes time and people don't have any.. and who ever is sitting in front of them gets it..

  2. Because at the doctors near me you sit there and do jack shiit for about 30 minutes while i wait!

    I actually apologise for that as i might have been judging all of you through a few near me and i don't mean dentists specifically i mean the stupid people who work as receptionists in doctors and places like Boots were many of them are pig ignorant!

    I don't know why patienets would be like this to you though if you haven't done anything wrong, there are laws now anyway that a fien will be charged if they treat you with so much little disrespect or become argumentative, so threten them with that :)

    - Yet i do understand as there are very gobby people out there.

  3. I am a secretary in a family attorney's office - I feel your pain.

    You have a few options.  1. You can either put up with it and be sour yourself (which is not a good option because then people will not enjoy going to your office because of the "rude receptionist").  2. You can put up with it and enjoy the rare happy instances and just be nice to the other people despite their rudeness (the whole catching more flies with honey rather than vinegar philosophy).  3. You can quit and go into a less-people oriented job (but this is not very likely in our people-oriented world).

    I find that most days are not really that bad, but it takes awhile to learn to deal with people when they are in bad moods.

  4. I don't know about rude patients, but I dealt 2 years with rude financial planners who screams at you, hurls abusive emails and then 2 days later figure out it was their fault. That really irks me!

    Generally, I speak to my manager who talks to their manager. In your case however, you probably can't do that. I guess there is not much you can do in that situation, remain calm and be as helpful as you can be in the situation.  

  5. Rude and unsmiling ?? They are probably in a lot of pain when they see a doctor.


  6. hii

    now i know this is a strange answer but i hope it helps

    i was watching a programe called miam ink

    the man behind the dest got really anoyed and had ago at the man the boss got really angry and took him out to realise is anger

    The best thing to do is just put up with it other wise you could lose your job or dont get yourself into call yoour boss down then go somewhere and realise you anger like boxing or just some way


  7. same way you deal with ANY rude person in the planet..... Do the opposite. Smile, be kind, speak slowly, help them, be there for them.

    That will p**s THEM OFF and also will make them change the way they treat you.

    Example: I was driving this morning to work and was going from the left lane to the middle lane in the highway. At the same time the vehicle in the right lane was getting in the middle lane. I saw him and quickly backed to my left lane. (this is a very normal situation, happens to everyone) Anyhow, guy got pissed off and showed me the finger. I got right next to him, lowered my window, smiled and waved at him excitingly. LOL - he was PISSED!

    don't treat rude with rude....get it? plus you'll have fun this way too.

  8. I would need to know what specific rude remarks they make in order to suggest a comeback.  But in general, I think this is something you'll just have to put up with.  

    I'm assuming, since you call them patients, that you work in a doctor's office.  They are probably grumpy from being sick and not feeling good.

    Good luck, I could never be a receptionist!!

  9. Thats the nature of the beast hun. You need to decide is it worth it for you...can you find a way to cope.

    I used to be a CNA.

    I hate working with people, Id rather work with objects...I've pigeon-holed myself into working with the public and its hard for me to be qualified to work in other areas. Im an introvert trapped in an extrovert job market!!!

  10. I take it you work in a doctors, or hospital or maybe even a dentist, where generally most people are feeling unwell, and there concern is only themselves.

    You should try to be a little bit more understanding, I'm sure they do not mean it personal or anything, but they are only thinking of themselves.

    But We need people like you in order for us to get to see a doctor or a dentist...SO HEY THANKS ;-)

    Keep smiling!!

  11. Well since you're saying 'patients'...I assume you work in a doctor's office, dentist, etc?  If so, you're never catching people on their happiest day.  It's never 'OH JOY, A ROOT CANAL', or 'WHOOPIE, A COLONOSCOPY!'.     :)

    I work in a department that handles many things at the global level - one of them is high-end customer service (we handle everything that can't be handled out at the theatres - I work for a major company).  The people I talk to are also usually in pretty sour moods - but I always tell myself that it's the circumstance that has them so upset - not me personally.  That seems to help.

  12. I am assuming you value the job which is a real shame because I have an unbelievably creative devious side that thrives on rude people and making their life, shall we say, terribly interesting!! You could really have some serious fun times on your last day there!!

    Anyway, some nice lines for you to use. Mmmmm, try these few for a start.

    I am really sorry you do not feel well, but giving me grief is not likely to help either of us, so lets try and stay friends and I will do all I can to help you.

    I would dearly love to help you. I am employed to help people. I am sorry I seem to be failing at my job, it doesn't happen often but it happens.

    I really feel your pain Mrs. Bloggs and I would like to do as much as I can to help you get well again. Just tell me what I need to do, if I am not doing my job properly.

    I am sorry you do not feel well. It is really hard for me to be happy all the time when so many people are unwell. But I try my best and I like my job. Now what can I help you with.

    And a couple for your last day (sorry, couldn't resist).

    I am sorry you are sick and upset with me. I have been upset all week myself since contracting Typhoid fever, cough cough!

    I am sorry for the delay folks, the doc is just euthanising an unruly patient who didn't want to wait his turn.

    In a loud voice to a patient in a crowded room "you got the clap from doing what"?

    Or, to another crowded room boy, "Well then stop eating tinned cat food!"

    And the last one to a patient in a crowded room, "I wouldn't do that to you for a hundred bucks"!  

    I hope the first few help and the last few lighten the load. At the end of the day yours is a difficult job, that for obvious reasons I can't do.

    Good luck, smile a lot, it helps, Jackson.

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