
Dealing with some issues, and needs a little help?

by  |  earlier

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For one, i'm 15, my boyfriend is at home with our sick 2 month old child, and i'm a little confussed, he has never been home with her by himself, at all for the 2 months she has been alive... and 2, he keeps calling me (i'm at school) and i can't answer, we are kinda on lock down right now due to an insident that happened 2 days ago(10th grader commited susicide) so i cant call him back, what should i di?




  1. Well, you are apparently able to use a computer, how about if you email him?

  2. You are not the first one in the history of the school to have a baby....But, your responsibilities are very important and should be shared with your principal and guidance counselor and health practicitioner...

    As for your boyfriend, seek help with your family. The baby is pretty strong...just be carefull and safe with the baby.

    You need strong support right now, the road you chose is tough but, in days of old girls had their children at a young age...

    Do the right things, be responsible, and love your baby with your whole heart...

    She needs a mommy and daddy....

  3. Can you go to the ladies room and use your phone in there?  In my daughter's high school, they are allowed to use their cell phones in the cafeteria and bathrooms.

    Can you text him, and ask him to call his mom or your mom?

  4. Parenting classes.

  5. Maybe talk to an administrator and tell them what's going on and they may let you use a office phone, try getting to your guidance counselor, and hopefully they will have the heart to let you take care of your home business, especially if you are making and effort. Good luck with the baby.

  6. explain to your teacher the situation and ask to go to the nurses office or principal's office where you can call him back to ensure your daughters safety.  be honest with your teachers - they should allow you to go for just a few minutes.  Just realize, you cannot make a habit of this - in the future, write everything down for your boyfriend regarding the baby and have a parent or another adult/neighbor be "on call" for him until he gets the hang of it.    Good luck, and its nice to see you are trying to stay in school and your boyfriend is their helping out.

  7. Email him.

  8. You need to talk to your guidance councilor RIGHT NOW!!!!  Do not wait until your next hour do this now!!!......First of all STOP being ashamed that you have a child.

    When you talk to the guidance they wil be able to help hook you and your boyfriend up with some programs to help you two through this tough time.

    It sounds like your boyfriend would benifit from some parenting classes as well as yourself.   It doesn't matter how old you are....Look even 40 year old women have to go to thier boss and tell them they have to go home to thier sick kid....even if there is a big presentation that day...

    Whats done is you just have to figure out how to handle your new life.

    Good Luck

  9. A lot of new moms and dads, not matter what age they are, are not confident at first when taking care of a baby.  They ARE small and SEEM like they will break.....and it's even worse with a SICK baby.  The more he cares for her, the easier it will be for him, just like it is for you.  Babies don't come with an instruction manual.  You can just do the best that yu can honestly do.  He'll figure it out.  He may not do it exactly the way YOU would do it, but you're going to have to be patient and let him do it his way unless it is detrimental to the baby.

  10. try talking to the school counseler and tell them the prob. than see if you can get permission to answer the calls minimally.

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