
Dealing with the effects of post partum

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How would you react to your husband seeming to put the blame on you but denying that he is that you guy's are having marital problems due to post partum depression? It's nothing that I can help it's normal isn't it?




  1. The truth is post-partum depression is extremely dangerous, people have died, commited suicide, hurt their child, had delusions and just a lot of problems, truly, this is a very very serious thing, you need to call and get with your Dr. immediately and tell him what is going on, my daughter had it with her first child and did not recognize what was going on and we almost lost her, she was also not even able, or even wanted to care for the baby , it is a fairly common thing , it will eventually go away but in the meantime you or your family could have devasting results from leaving it untreated, it is not your fault, hormones and brain chemistry get out of whack,forget about your husband for right now and take care of you and the other things will clear up on their own, safety first, and this is a true safety situation for you and your baby. Recognize it as a serious emergency and get in to your Dr., quick!!Good luck .  

  2. Yes it's normal. When your hormones change drastically (like after giving birth) you can go through some depression (i.e. anything from baby blues to severe post partum depression). If it lasts longer than a month, or if you have thoughts of hurting either yourself or your baby, you should let your doctor know immediately. There are medications (prescribed by your doctor) that can help you get through this.

    P.S. your husband should be supportive of you during this period.

  3. It's not your fault. You need to explain to your husband that there are times in every marriage where couples have problems,how they handle it obviously will determine what kind of couple you are, and this is the time when you need him to step up to the plate and be a man.

    If your husband is not willing to understand what is going on with you, then stop trying to explain it to him. Tell him you are sorry he is feeling neglected, and you are not your usual self. That one day you hope to feel good again, but until then he can either get on board and help you, be the support system you need, as you would do for him, or he can keep pointing fingers and let your marriage suffer the consequences.

    Tell him that is the last time you will apologize. You expect more from him, and if he can't handle it, then he needs to let you know.

    Leave it at that.

    Hang in there honey. Men always feel neglected when a baby is born, throw in a little post-partum and you have a recipe for disaster. You work on feeling better, spending time with your child, and stop feeling guilty. It's NOT your fault.  

  4. if you have post partum go to the doctor and get checked . post partum is common after having a baby. that wh they got meds for it . talk to your husband , let him know how you are feeling, so tha way it wont cause any more stress on your marriage . goodluck

  5. honestly if you feel like you have post partum depression, you really do need to see the doctor or consult a therapist for couple counseling. Think of the benefits in the long run. Don't wait until it's too late or till the last minute.  

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