How do you deal with unsolicited parenting advice? Does it differ if it's family or strangers?
My MIL is driving me crazy because she can't be around me for an hour without criticizing something I do (You'll spoil the baby if you pick her up every time she cries, are you sure you have enough milk, it seems like she eats a lot, she sure is chubby, you must be feeding her too much, you shouldn't let the baby sleep in bed with you or you'll never get her out, etc. etc.) and it's very difficult because I don't really know what to say to her without being rude.
I have also found that random strangers love to give me parenting advice. It seems that people who don't believe in attachment parenting love to tell you how you should just let your baby cry all the time. If I hear "You know what they say, if they're clean, fed and dry, let 'em cry" I am going to snap.
So, how do you politely let people know that you are choosing to raise your child in a different way then they do, and how do you make them understand that it's ok and you aren't going to totally s***w up your child as a result?