
Dealings with Africa?

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recently i have been on a holiday to mombasa, which is in keyna, africa and i must admit it has enchanted me. The people are very poor yet miles more heppier than people here! Anyway when i was over there, there was a group doing some charity for a local school i.e they had collected money in England and then went over to Mombasa and made sure the money went directly to the schools for things such as putting in concrete floors providing books etc. I was hoping of going over and doing the same thing with a few friends in 2010, What would be the first steps to doing this?

My second question.... I am 16 and choosing my subjects for A-levels, when I am older I would love to live in Africa. Is it hard to get a visa etc.? and what professions are needed in Africa? I want to be able to give to the community but not be living in povery, if you know what i mean. :)

thanks for all comments :)




  1. Well you could volunteer but would mean getting your hands dirty! Check out the VSO website, visas are not hard to get hold of as there is a demand for skilled people. Africans readily leave their countries for the west for a better life so there is a brain drain.

  2. There are many organisations that do things similar to wha you have described. Have a look at Build Africa to start with.

    As for moving there, to give to the community in that way will mean you live with the community. Now if you live in luxury whilst they live in poverty then it might cause resentment. Also, you'd need to be careful you are not seen as another interfering westerner.
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