
Dear Americans.........I seemed to have lost touch with the world news could you tell me?

by  |  earlier

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who you think is going to be the next President of the US and could you also give a reason why..

Thank You,................................




  1. Osman,  He's much more charismatic, I hope  he picks Hillary as his vice=president.  She is even easier on the eyes

  2. where you from, all the world knows obama is our next president.

  3. Obama will be the next President of the United States because Americans are fed up with Bush, his administration, and his corrupt corporate criminals who are making themselves richer at the expense of the middle and lower class Americans!

  4. It all depends - it will depend on which political party can rig the most voting machines in the key states- this is usually what always determines who gets elected in the US. You didn't think the voters were dumb enough to elect Bush twice, did you?

  5. Any answer would only be a guess. Wait for the voting results to answer your question.

  6. You are asking for a prediction.  This news will not be available until after the election.

    My crystal ball is in the shop for repairs.

  7. i am really not sure it going to be crazy

  8. I want H. Clinton but i'm almost sure that  Obama jerk will win ...pooh !

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