
Dear Answers Community, it will take all of you to raise me, but will you do it?

by Guest21350  |  earlier

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I have never had a blog, nor do I ever remember consulting any professional about any website-building. And, though I know enough to stare at the computer screen when I need information, I don't know where to begin on those other things and have no motivation to discover how. I am addicted to sunshine, fresh air and exercise. What could it be? To the medical world I'm a misanthrope, so it can't be a dose of anything ratcheted too high.

Is there even a category for me?

Community, what is wrong with me?




  1. I think you might be a dog or a cat.

    I will do my part to raise you if everyone else joins in.

  2. you need to realise that every one around is normal becuase YOU ARE NORMAL !

    go out some game... a lil bit of socializing with frnds....  enjoy this beautiful life that you have.... many millions don't even get to see the luxury of life...

  3. Go outside and take a deep breath of fresh air. There is nothing wrong with you. That will be 50 bucks, please!

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