
Dear Carlos' view on sexual harassment?

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"In light of sexual harassment rulings, a man merely has to look in a woman's direction to INTIMIDATE that frail & delicate vessel."

I think this is truly unfair. I take a lot of cr@p from men that I consider sexual harassment and it generally leaves me feel emotionally and mentally dirty, vulnerable and disgusted with the opposite s*x and questioning what I am doing wrong that I am being subjected to this behavior.

The fact that I think about it over and over and try to figure out what I could have done to prevent it. The fact that I act/dress/behave as reserved as I can, the fact that I ask these QUESTIONS...should show you how seriously I take S.H.

How dare you mock/belittle other's experience!

What do you expect for women to do? Take this abuse?!




  1. No. Tell your co workers to stop. Examine your own dress attire. If what your wearing is revealing then I hate to say it but it is kind of your own doing.

           Like with chicks being less able to handle harrasment ,yelling from a boss(it is true a federal judge ruled in a sexual harrasment case that even though the boss yelled at everyone equally the fact that the female workers couldnt handle it made it sexual harrasment), guys have it hard wired into our heads to check women out. Those with less control can gawk at times and those with even less control can be full blown "pigs".

              But it equals out in percentages with women being emotionally loopy. Some women are able to control there emotions most arent.

             So to minimize the gawking and other "harrasing" behavior you might be better off wearing less revealing clothes. I wouldnt go as far to say one of those muslim thingys but a little bit of professional modesty might be a good idea.

              I can hear the rants already... Why should women have to change what they wear to get guys to leave them alone? Or opressions!..

             Truth is men have delt with loopy women for millinuems on end. During menopause semi-loopy women turn into full blown loopy. And the whole PMS loopy.. so cut us a break and meet have way.

               But if your doing nothing wrong and they wont stop report them to your supervisor. If that doesnt work go to the HR office. If that doesnt work I suggest an attorney.


    Blame the media. and TV. But women on average are more emotionally loopy than men. Or more "intouch" with themselves.......

  2. Those comments about women going through menopause or experiencing PMS being "loopy" are offensive. The truth is that these comments are made by men who have absolutely no idea that PMS or menopause for most women are no big deal. I am in the early stages of menopause and you wouldn't even know it. I don't show any symptoms and my behavior is no different than it was before. Not only that, but I also live with two teenage daughters and the only time I know when they are going through their cycles is when the trash can in their bathroom is fuller than usual.

  3. Let's just agree that Dear Carlos isn't the brightest star shining in the night sky.

    He isn't educated on the subject and prefers to blame the victim.  Its an ego-defense mechanism: denial, blame, projection, justification... you get the picture.  The good news is that these ego-defense mechanisms don't work anymore; they fail to convince.  Abusers are more likely to be held accountable for their bad behavior than ever before.

  4. He doesnt mock ones experience. He doesnt condone S.H either. All he is saying is that its becoming extremely harder to identify a real S.H issue from among all the false harrassment accusations. Thats the treatment one gets when they have been crying wolf all along.

    "What do you expect for women to do?" - Document as much as they can and talk to their HR and/or attorney about it, and be prepared to prove their case.

  5. Absolutely Not. Today's society believes that they can take anything that they want, when the want it and the fact of not being able to get it... Leaves them with a revengeful heart. Take legal actions?

  6. The first and probably the only thing you need to do is to change yourself.

    The so called Mental/emotional/psychological abuse is all in your mind...

    It is not that men do not get abused the way you do but they hardly talk about it and get over it sooner than the next puff of breath that goes inside them. They know life is not bed of roses and you have to get along. So learn from men.

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